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// usage
chance.date({string: true})
chance.date({string: true, american: false})
chance.date({year: 1983})
Generate a random date
=> Sat Apr 09 2072 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)
By default, returns an actual Date object
Can optionally specify that a date be returned as a string
chance.date({string: true});
=> "5/27/2078"
This will return a date string of the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Now of course MM/DD/YYYY is the "American" date method, but it's the default because there isn't much support for internationalization here yet. Further, it's the format used by Facebook and other services for birthdays and other non-Date object dates.
However, we support returning dates in DD/MM/YYYY format as well when requesting
a date by a string and passing american: false
chance.date({string: true, american: false});
=> "13/2/2017"
If you want richer control over date format, strongly suggest using the Moment library. Our formatting is very minimalist, and it's out of our core competency to offer dates in a myriad of formats.
Can optionally specify defaults for any of day, month, or year.
chance.date({year: 1983});
=> Wed May 04 1983 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)
chance.date({month: 0});
=> Tue Jan 18 2084 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
chance.date({day: 21});
=> Sun Oct 21 2103 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)
A random date is generated, but the default you specify is kept constant.
Note, month is 0-indexed. This is a carryover from the core JavaScript Date object which we use internally to generate the date. We considered