import test from 'ava' import Chance from '../chance.js' import _ from 'lodash' const chance = new Chance() // test('cc() passes the luhn algorithm', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let number = t.true(chance.luhn_check(number)) }) }) test('cc() can take a type arg and obey it', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true }) let number ={ type: }), type.length) }) }) test('cc() can take a short_name type arg and obey it', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true }) let number ={ type: type.short_name }), type.length) }) }) // chance.cc_type() test('cc_type() returns a random credit card type', t => { _.times(1000, () => { t.true(_.isString(chance.cc_type())) }) }) test('cc_type() can take a raw arg and obey it', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true }) t.truthy( t.truthy(type.short_name) t.truthy(type.prefix) t.truthy(type.length) }) }) test('cc_type() can take a name arg and obey it', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let type = chance.cc_type({ name: 'Visa', raw: true }), 'Visa') }) }) test('cc_type() with bogus type throws', t => { const fn = () => chance.cc_type({ name: 'potato' }) t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Credit card type \'potato\' is not supported') }) // chance.cc_types() test('cc_types() returns an array of credit card types', t => { t.true(_.isArray(chance.cc_types())) }) // chance.currency() test('currency() returns a currency', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let currency = chance.currency() t.true(_.isObject(currency)) t.truthy(currency.code), 3) t.truthy( }) }) // chance.currency_pair() test('currency_pair() returns a currency pair', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let currency_pair = chance.currency_pair() t.true(_.isArray(currency_pair)), 2) t.not(currency_pair[0].code, currency_pair[1].code) }) }) test('currency_pair() can return string version', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let currency_pair = chance.currency_pair(true) t.true(_.isString(currency_pair)), 7) t.true(/^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]+\/[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$/.test(currency_pair)) }) }) // chance.dollar() test('dollar() returns a proper dollar amount', t => { let dollar = chance.dollar() t.true(/\$[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/.test(dollar)) let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length)) t.true(dollarFloat < 10001) }) test('dollar() obeys min and max, if provided', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let dollar = chance.dollar({ max: 20 }) let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length)) t.true(dollarFloat <= 20) }) _.times(1000, () => { let dollar = chance.dollar({ min: 20 }) let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length)) t.true(dollarFloat >= 20) }) }) test('dollar() can take negative min and max', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let dollar = chance.dollar({ min: -200, max: -1 }), '-') let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(2, dollar.length)) // This is necessary because we strip the - when parsing dollarFloat *= -1 t.true(dollarFloat <= -1) t.true(dollarFloat >= -200) }) }) // chance.euro() test('euro() returns a proper euro amount', t => { let euro = chance.euro() t.true(/[0-9]+,?\.?[0-9]+?€/.test(euro)) let euroFloat = parseFloat(euro.substring(euro.length, -1)) t.true(euroFloat < 10001) }) // chance.exp() test('exp() looks correct', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let exp = chance.exp() t.true(_.isString(exp)), 7) t.true(/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})/.test(exp)) }) }) test('exp() will respect object argument', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let exp = chance.exp({ raw: true }) t.true(_.isObject(exp)) t.truthy(exp.month) t.true(_.isString(exp.month)) t.truthy(exp.year) t.true(_.isString(exp.year)) }) }) test('exp() returs a valid credit card expiration (in a future date)', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let exp = chance.exp({ raw: true }) let now = new Date() let nowMonth = now.getMonth() + 1 let nowYear = now.getFullYear() let expMonth = parseInt(exp.month, 10) let expYear = parseInt(exp.year, 10) t.true(expYear >= nowYear) if (expYear === nowYear) { t.true(expMonth >= nowMonth) } }) }) // chance.exp_month() test('exp_month() returns a numeric month with leading 0', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let month = chance.exp_month() t.true(_.isString(month)), 2) }) }) // chance.exp_year() test('exp_year() returns an expiration year', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let year = chance.exp_year() t.true(_.isString(year)) let parsedYear = parseInt(year, 10) let curYear = new Date().getFullYear() t.true(parsedYear >= curYear) t.true(parsedYear <= curYear + 10) }) }) test('exp_month() will return a future month if requested', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let nowMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1 let expMonth = parseInt(chance.exp_month({ future: true }), 10) if (nowMonth !== 12) { t.true(expMonth > nowMonth) } else { t.true(expMonth >= 1) t.true(expMonth <= 12) } }) }) // chance.luhn_check() test('luhn_check() properly checks if number passes the Luhn algorithm', t => { t.true(chance.luhn_check(49927398716)) t.true(chance.luhn_check(1234567812345670)) t.false(chance.luhn_check(49927398717)) t.false(chance.luhn_check(1234567812345678)) }) test('iban() returns an iban', t => { let iban = chance.iban() t.true(_.isString(iban)) t.true(/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{1,26}$/.test(iban)) })