import test from 'ava' import Chance from '../chance.js' import _ from 'lodash' const chance = new Chance() const fileExtensions = { "raster": [ "bmp", "gif", "gpl", "ico", "jpeg", "psd", "png", "psp", "raw", "tiff" ], "vector": [ "3dv", "amf", "awg", "ai", "cgm", "cdr", "cmx", "dxf", "e2d", "egt", "eps", "fs", "odg", "svg", "xar" ], "3d": [ "3dmf", "3dm", "3mf", "3ds", "an8", "aoi", "blend", "cal3d", "cob", "ctm", "iob", "jas", "max", "mb", "mdx", "obj", "x", "x3d" ], "document": [ "doc", "docx", "dot", "html", "xml", "odt", "odm", "ott", "csv", "rtf", "tex", "xhtml", "xps" ] } // chance.file() test('file() returns random file length with random extension', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let file = chance.file() t.true(_.isString(file))'.').length, 2) }) }) test('file() returns error if wrong fileType provided', t => { _.times(1000, () => { const fn = () => chance.file({ fileType: 'not_specified' }) t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Expect file type value to be \'raster\', \'vector\', \'3d\' or \'document\'') }) }) test('file() does not return error if legit fileType provided', t => { _.times(1000, () => { const fn = () => chance.file({ fileType: 'raster' }) t.notThrows(fn) }) }) test('file() returns filename with specific extension type', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let file = chance.file({ fileType: 'raster' }) t.true(_.isString(file)) let extension = file.split('.')[1] t.true(fileExtensions['raster'].indexOf(extension) !== -1) }) }) test('file() returns filename with specific extension', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let file = chance.file({ extension: 'doc' }) let extension = file.split('.')[1], 'doc') }) }) test('file() can take a length and obey it', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let length = chance.d10() let file = chance.file({ length: length }) let filename = file.split('.')[0], length) }) }) test('file() can take a pool of extensions and obey them', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let extensions = [ 'bmp', '3dv', '3dmf', 'doc' ] let file = chance.file({ extensions: extensions }) let extension = file.split('.')[1] t.true(extensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) }) }) test('file() can take pool of extensions by object collection and obey them', t => { const objectExtensionCollection = { "one": [ "extension_one_1", "extension_one_2", "extension_one_3" ], "two": [ "extension_two_1", "extension_two_2", "extension_two_3" ], "three": [ "extension_three_1", "extension_three_2", "extension_three_3" ] } _.times(1000, () => { let file = chance.file({ extensions: objectExtensionCollection }) let extension = file.split('.')[1] let extensionCount = 0 for (let key in objectExtensionCollection) { let collection = objectExtensionCollection[key] => { if (ext === extension) { extensionCount++ } }) }, 1) }) }) test('file() throws if bad extensions option provided', t => { const fn = () => chance.file({ extensions: 10 }) t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Extensions must be an Array or Object') }) test('file() does not throw if good extensions option provided as array', t => { _.times(1000, () => { const fn = () => chance.file({ extensions: fileExtensions.document }) t.notThrows(fn) }) }) test('file() does not throw if good extensions option provided as object', t => { _.times(1000, () => { const fn = () => chance.file({ extensions: fileExtensions }) t.notThrows(fn) }) })