# n ```js // usage chance.n(chance.email, 5) chance.n(chance.email, 5, { domain: "socialradar.com" }) ``` Provide any function that generates random stuff (usually another **Chance** function) and a number and `n()` will generate an array of items with a length matching the length you specified. For example, to generate 5 email addresses: ```js chance.n(chance.email, 5); => [ 'nese@me.gov', 'tukvogi@novew.co.uk', 'worzi@jotok.edu', 'wicumafom@lalu.edu', 'hifebwo@abecusa.com' ] ``` Any options that would be sent to the random function can be added following the number. For example, `chance.email()` has options which can be specified, so you can generate 5 emails with a known domain as follows: ```js chance.n(chance.email, 5, { domain: "socialradar.com" }) => [ 'nuvvu@socialradar.com', 'icolul@socialradar.com', 'rig@socialradar.com', 'ca@socialradar.com', 'uc@socialradar.com' ] ``` Note, these items are not guaranteed to be unique. If that is the intent, see [`chance.unique()`](http://chancejs.com/#unique)