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4 weeks ago
import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum";
import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr";
import GameReport from "../../../FrameWork/Report/ZyZyReport";
import Common5 from "../../../Platform/th/Common5";
import CccGame from "../CccGame/CccGame";
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class AnimationReplaceCheckScript extends cc.Component {
emitTarget: cc.Node = null
checkNode: cc.Node = null
replaceNode: cc.Node = null
startSpineName: string = ''
startSkinName: string = ''
moveSpineName: string = ''
moveSkinName: string = ''
endSpineName: string = ''
endSkinName: string = ''
tiggerNodeArray: cc.Node[] = []
hideTirNodeArray: cc.Node[] = []
allowEmitNode: cc.Node = null
isSpineAnim: boolean = false
spineAnim: string = ''
spineNode: cc.Node = null
maskNode: cc.Node = null
isSpineNodeHide: boolean = false
effectUrl: cc.AudioSource = null
moveNode: cc.Node = null
attrNodeArray: cc.Node[] = []
touchStartPosi = null
onLoad() {
if (!this.emitTarget) {
this.emitTarget = this.node
this.emitTarget.opacity = 0;
this.initTouchEvent(this.emitTarget, this.checkNode)
start() {
openTouchEvent(node) {
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.touchStartNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.touchMoveNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.touchEndNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.touchEndNode, this)
closeTouchEvent(node: cc.Node) {
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.touchStartNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.touchMoveNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.touchEndNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.touchEndNode, this)
touchStartNode(event) {
let target = event.target;
target.opacity = 255;
CccGame.playAnimation2(this.replaceNode, this.moveSpineName, true, this.moveSkinName);
EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.openBGMove, { open: false });
target['saveWorldPos'] = target.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.Vec2.ZERO);
initTouchEvent(node, checkNode) {
var attrs = {
checkNode: checkNode,
recoveposi: node.getPosition(),//初始位置
recoveparent: node.parent,
scr: this //脚本
cancelTouchEvent() {
touchMoveNode(event) {
let target = event.target
if (this.moveNode) {
target.parent = this.moveNode;
let posi = event.getLocation()//世界坐标
posi = target.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(posi)
touchEndNode(event) {
let target = event.target;
let checkNode = target.checkNode;
if (!this.allowEmitNode || this.allowEmitNode.active) {
if (Common5.checkIntersectsBox(target, checkNode)) {
target.active = false
if (this.effectUrl) {
let callbacks = () => {
target.checkNode.active = false;
for (const iterator of this.tiggerNodeArray) {
iterator.active = true;
for (const iterator of this.hideTirNodeArray) {
iterator.active = false;
if (this.maskNode) {
this.maskNode.active = false;
if (this.isSpineNodeHide && this.spineNode) {
this.spineNode.active = false
target.attrNodeArray = this.attrNodeArray;
EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.NormalTouchMoveCheck, { targetNode: target })
GameReport.BtnsReport(target.name, Common5.selectGameInfo.titleUrl);
console.log("[GameReport]++++++++++++++++++++++>" + target.name);
if (this.endSpineName != '') {
CccGame.playAnimation2(this.replaceNode, this.endSpineName, true, this.endSkinName);
this['hasEndSpine'] = true;
if (this.isSpineAnim) {
if (this.maskNode) {
this.maskNode.active = true;
this.spineNode.active = true
this.spineNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, this.spineAnim, false)
} else {
if (target["recoveposi"]) {
if (target["recoveparent"]) {
this.nodeMoveToRecovery(target, target["recoveposi"], target["recoveparent"])
} else {
this.nodeMoveToRecovery(target, target["recoveposi"])
EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.openBGMove, { open: true });
nodeMoveToRecovery(node, oldPosi: cc.Vec2, recoveparent?: cc.Node, func?: Function) {
.to(0.1, { position: node.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node['saveWorldPos']) })
.set({ parent: recoveparent, position: oldPosi })
.call(() => {
node.opacity = 0;
if (!this['hasEndSpine']) {
CccGame.playAnimation2(this.replaceNode, this.startSpineName, true, this.startSkinName);
if (func) {
// update (dt) {}