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// Learn TypeScript:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/typescript.html
// Learn Attribute:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum";
import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr";
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class BGMoveScript extends cc.Component {
mapNode: cc.Node = null;
// onLoad () {}
start() {
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.openBGMove, this.touchEvent, this);
protected onDisable(): void {
EventMgr.offEvent_custom(ryw_Event.openBGMove, this.touchEvent, this);
touchEvent(data_) {
if (data_.open) {
} else {
startTime_ = 0;
openTouchEvent(node) {
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.touchStartNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.touchCancelNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.touchMoveNode, this)
node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.touchEndNode, this)
closeTouchEvent(node: cc.Node) {
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.touchStartNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.touchCancelNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.touchMoveNode, this)
node.off(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.touchEndNode, this)
touchStartNode(event) {
this.startTime_ = new Date().getTime();
touchCancelNode(event) {
touchMoveNode(event) {
let target = event.target
let delta = event.getDelta()
this.mapNode.x += delta.x
//this.mapNode.y += delta.y
touchEndNode(event) {
let time_ = new Date().getTime();
// if(time_ - this.startTime_ > 150){
// return
// }else{
// }
goToBoundary() {
let widthMask = cc.visibleRect.width
let heightMask = cc.visibleRect.height
let widthMap = this.mapNode.width
let heightMap = this.mapNode.height
if (this.mapNode.x + widthMap / 2 <= widthMask / 2) {
this.mapNode.x = widthMask / 2 - widthMap / 2
} else if (this.mapNode.x - widthMap / 2 >= -widthMask / 2) {
this.mapNode.x = -widthMask / 2 + widthMap / 2
if (this.mapNode.y + heightMap / 2 <= heightMask / 2) {
this.mapNode.y = heightMask / 2 - heightMap / 2
} else if (this.mapNode.y - heightMap / 2 >= -heightMask / 2) {
this.mapNode.y = -heightMask / 2 + heightMap / 2
// update (dt) {}