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443 lines
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443 lines
19 KiB
* @Author: YeeChan
* @Date: 2020-12-17 20:07:37
* @Description: 信息展示 清除存档
import AppConfig from "../Config/AppConfig";
import AppSwitchConfig from "../Config/AppSwitchConfig";
import { ryw_Event } from "../Event/EventEnum";
import EventMgr from "../Event/EventMgr";
import HttpUnit from "../NetWork/HttpUnit";
import AppPlatform from "../Util/AppPlatform";
import { DateUtils } from "../Util/DateUtils";
import Utilit from "../Util/Utilit";
import WudianMgr from "./WudianMgr";
export default class DebugInfoMgr {
//debug 根节点
private static debugNode_custom: cc.Node = null;
private static debugPanel_custom: cc.Node = null;
private static scrollview_custom: cc.ScrollView = null;
private static content_custom: cc.Node = null;
//debug 消息集合
private static debugInfoList_custom: Array<string> = new Array();
private static debugFrameInfoList_custom: Array<string> = new Array();
private static debugLabelList_custom: Array<cc.Label> = new Array();
private static debugUmengInfoList_custom: { [key: string]: number } = {};
private static showInfoNode_custom: cc.Node = null;
private static showInfoLabel_custom: cc.Label = null;
private static isOpenDebug_custom: boolean = false;
private static isOpenStartClick_custom: boolean = false;
private static touchClickSum_custom: number = 0;
private static clickTime_custom: number = 0;
private static isNetIpBlockState_custom: boolean = false;
* 启动debug
public static setDebug_custom() {
if (AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().debuginfo_custom == 1) {
this.isOpenDebug_custom = true;
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_App_OnUpdateIpBlockState_custom, () => {
this.isNetIpBlockState_custom = true;
if ( {
}, this);
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_PlatformLoginState_custom, (tab) => {
let state_custom = tab.state
let info_custom =
}, this);
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_NetLoginState_custom, (tab) => {
let state_custom = tab.state
let info_custom =
}, this);
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_NetUserDataState_custom, (tab) => {
let state_custom = tab.state
let info_custom =
}, this);
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_Umeng_custom, (tab) => {
let event = tab.event
if (this.debugUmengInfoList_custom[event]) {
this.debugUmengInfoList_custom[event] = this.debugUmengInfoList_custom[event] + 1;
} else {
this.debugUmengInfoList_custom[event] = 1;
}, this);
let sizeView = cc.view.getVisibleSize();
let size = cc.view.getFrameSize();
// console.log(size)
// console.log(sizeView)
this.debugNode_custom = new cc.Node();
this.debugNode_custom.width = sizeView.width;
this.debugNode_custom.height = sizeView.height;
this.debugNode_custom.anchorX = 0;
this.debugNode_custom.anchorY = 0;
this.debugNode_custom.x = 0;
this.debugNode_custom.y = 0;
let butSize_custom = cc.size(180, 120);
let butNode_custom = this.createNode_custom(this.debugNode_custom, cc.v2(0, sizeView.height - butSize_custom.height), cc.Color.WHITE);
// butNode.addComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = this.createSpriteFrame_custom(butSize);
// this.createLabel_custom(butNode, cc.v2(0, 0), "打开", cc.Color.RED);
// butNode_custom.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, (touch: cc.Event, event) => { }, this)
// butNode_custom["_touchListener"].onTouchBegan = (touch, event) => {
// let pos_custom = butNode_custom.convertToNodeSpaceAR(touch.getLocation());
// if (pos_custom.x < 0 || pos_custom.y < 0 || pos_custom.x > butSize_custom.width || pos_custom.y > butSize_custom.height) {//超出按钮范围
// return;
// }
// if (!this.isOpenStartClick_custom) {
// let time_custom = DateUtils.getNowTime_custom();
// //console.log(this.touchClickSum_custom)
// if (time_custom - this.clickTime_custom <= 500) {
// this.touchClickSum_custom = this.touchClickSum_custom + 1;
// if (this.touchClickSum_custom > 10) {
// this.isOpenStartClick_custom = true;
// }
// } else {
// this.touchClickSum_custom = 0;
// }
// this.clickTime_custom = time_custom
// } else {
// if (! {
// this.updateFrameInfo_custom();
// this.updateItem_custom();
// = true;
// }
// }
// return true;
// };
// butNode_custom["_touchListener"].setSwallowTouches(false);
let showSize_custom = cc.size(sizeView.width * 0.98, sizeView.height * 0.7);
this.debugPanel_custom = this.createNode_custom(this.debugNode_custom, cc.v2((sizeView.width - showSize_custom.width) / 2, (sizeView.height - showSize_custom.height) / 2), cc.Color.WHITE, showSize_custom);
| = false;
let snode_custom = this.createNode_custom(this.debugPanel_custom, cc.v2(0, 0), cc.Color.GRAY, showSize_custom);
this.scrollview_custom = snode_custom.addComponent(cc.ScrollView);
this.scrollview_custom.horizontal = false;
this.scrollview_custom.vertical = true;
this.scrollview_custom.inertia = true;
this.scrollview_custom.brake = 0.75;
let viewMask_custom = this.createNode_custom(snode_custom, cc.v2(0, 0), cc.Color.WHITE);
viewMask_custom.anchorY = 1;
viewMask_custom.y = showSize_custom.height;
this.content_custom = this.createNode_custom(viewMask_custom, cc.v2(0, 0), cc.Color.GRAY, showSize_custom);
this.content_custom.anchorY = 1;
this.scrollview_custom.content = this.content_custom;
this.createButton_custom(this.debugPanel_custom, cc.v2(0, showSize_custom.height), "关闭", cc.color(255, 180, 180), cc.Color.RED, cc.size(100, 70), () => {
| = false;
this.createButton_custom(this.debugPanel_custom, cc.v2(showSize_custom.width - 170, showSize_custom.height), "清理缓存", cc.color(255, 180, 180), cc.Color.RED, cc.size(170, 70), () => {
HttpUnit.saveGameData_custom("{}", (res) => {
if (res.code == 1) { console.log("存档成功") }
else { console.log("存档失败") }
}, (res) => { console.log("存档失败") })
let cshowToastSize_custom = cc.size(showSize_custom.width * 0.9, 100);
this.showInfoNode_custom = this.createNode_custom(this.debugNode_custom, cc.v2((sizeView.width) / 2, (sizeView.height) / 2), cc.color(175, 100, 170), cshowToastSize_custom);
this.showInfoNode_custom.anchorX = 0.5;
this.showInfoNode_custom.anchorY = 0.5;
this.showInfoLabel_custom = this.createLabel_custom(this.showInfoNode_custom, cc.v2(0, 0), "", cc.Color.RED).getComponent(cc.Label);
this.showInfoLabel_custom.node.anchorX = 0.5;
this.showInfoLabel_custom.node.anchorY = 0.5;
| = false;
* 增加一条需要展示的debug信息
* @param info 需要展示的信息
public static addDebugInfo_custom(info: string) {
if (this.isOpenDebug_custom) {
* 添加框架的信息
private static updateFrameInfo_custom() {
this.debugFrameInfoList_custom = [];
let addVersion_custom = () => {
let cur_custom = Utilit.checkVersions_custom();
let versionSwitch_custom = "[]"
if (AppPlatform.is_TT_GAME_custom())//抖音,字节跳动
versionSwitch_custom = "ttcfg:<" + AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().ttcfg_custom.ttversions_custom + ">";
else if (AppPlatform.is_OPPO_GAME_custom())//oppo小游戏
versionSwitch_custom = "oppocfg:<" + AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().oppocfg_custom.oppoversions_custom + ">";
else if (AppPlatform.is_QQ_PLAY_custom())//qq小游戏
versionSwitch_custom = "qqcfg:<" + AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().qqcfg_custom.qqversions_custom + ">";
else if (AppPlatform.is_WECHAT_GAME_custom()) //VIVO 小游戏
versionSwitch_custom = "vivocfg:<" + AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().vivocfg_custom.vivoversions_custom + ">";
versionSwitch_custom = "version:<" + AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().version_custom + ">";
let str_custom = "游戏名字:[" + AppConfig.GameName_custom + "],gameid:[" + AppConfig.gameid_custom + "]\n";
str_custom = str_custom + AppConfig.ResServer_custom + "\n"
str_custom = str_custom + "本地版本号:[" + AppConfig.Versions_custom + "]\n远端版本号:[" + versionSwitch_custom + "]\n版本比较结果:" + (cur_custom ? "true" : "false");
let cwudian_custom = () => {
let mainSwitch_custom = AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().wudian_custom == 1;
let isOpenTime_custom = AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().wudianTimeAvaliable_custom;
let ipnotBlock_custom = WudianMgr.ryw_GetIpBlocked_custom();
let launchScene_custom_custom = AppPlatform.getLaunchOptionsSync_custom().scene;
if (AppPlatform.is_TT_GAME_custom()) {
mainSwitch_custom = true;
isOpenTime_custom = true;
let noEnterBySearch_custom: boolean = true;
var wudianSceneList_custom = AppSwitchConfig.getInstance_custom().getAppSwitchData_custom().wudianSceneList_custom;
for (let index = 0; index < wudianSceneList_custom.length; index++) {
var wudianSceneValue_custom = wudianSceneList_custom[index];
if (launchScene_custom_custom == wudianSceneValue_custom) {
noEnterBySearch_custom = false;
let cwd_custom = mainSwitch_custom && noEnterBySearch_custom && ipnotBlock_custom && isOpenTime_custom;
let str = "ip屏蔽接口调用:" + (this.isNetIpBlockState_custom ? "成功" : "失败") + "\n"
+ "误点最终结果:[" + (cwd_custom ? "有" : "没有") + "]\n"
+ "当前场景值:[" + launchScene_custom_custom + "]\n"
+ "ip没有屏蔽:[" + (ipnotBlock_custom ? "是" : "不是") + "]\n"
+ "场景没有屏蔽:[" + (noEnterBySearch_custom ? "是" : "不是") + "]\n"
+ "误点开关:[" + (mainSwitch_custom ? "打开" : "关闭") + "],\n"
+ "时间开关:[" + (isOpenTime_custom ? "打开" : "关闭") + "]"
* 设置提示语
* @param info
private static showToast_custom(info: string) {
this.showInfoLabel_custom.string = info;
| = true;
this.showInfoNode_custom.opacity = 0;
this.showInfoNode_custom.scale = 0.75;
.to(0.25, { opacity: 255, scale: 1 }, { easing: "backOut" })
.call(() => {
| = false;
* 更新item
private static updateItem_custom() {
let infoList = [];
for (let index = 0; index < this.debugFrameInfoList_custom.length; index++) {
const element_custom = this.debugFrameInfoList_custom[index];
let umengInfo = "友盟统计开始:\n"
for (const key in this.debugUmengInfoList_custom) {
if (, key)) {
const element = this.debugUmengInfoList_custom[key];
umengInfo = "事件:" + umengInfo + key + ",次数: " + element + "\n"
umengInfo = umengInfo + "友盟统计结束!"
for (let index = 0; index < this.debugInfoList_custom.length; index++) {
const element_custom = this.debugInfoList_custom[index];
let sizeInfo = infoList.length;
let sizeLabel = this.debugLabelList_custom.length;
let num = sizeInfo - sizeLabel;
if (num > 0) {
for (let index = 0; index < num; index++) {
let label = this.createLabel_custom(this.content_custom, cc.v2(0, 0), "", cc.Color.BLACK).getComponent(cc.Label);
label.node.width = this.content_custom.width;
label.overflow = cc.Label.Overflow.RESIZE_HEIGHT;
label.horizontalAlign = cc.Label.HorizontalAlign.LEFT;
label.node.anchorY = 1;
for (let index = 0; index < this.debugLabelList_custom.length; index++) {
const element_custom = this.debugLabelList_custom[index];
| = false;
let maxHeight_custom: number = 0;
let temp_custom: boolean = false;
for (let index = 0; index < infoList.length; index++) {
const element_custom = infoList[index];
let label = this.debugLabelList_custom[index];
label.string = element_custom;
label.node.y = -maxHeight_custom;
| = true;
maxHeight_custom = maxHeight_custom + label.node.height + 5
if (temp_custom) {
temp_custom = false;
label.node.color = cc.color(0, 0, 0);
} else {
temp_custom = true;
label.node.color = cc.color(122, 22, 22);
this.content_custom.height = maxHeight_custom;
* 创建一个 label
* @param info
* @param color
private static createLabel_custom(parent: cc.Node, pos: cc.Vec2, info: string, color: cc.Color) {
let node = this.createNode_custom(parent, pos, color)
let label = node.addComponent(cc.Label);
label.fontSize = 30;
label.lineHeight = 32;
label.string = info;
return node;
* 创建一个 节点
* @param color
* @param size
private static createNode_custom(parent: cc.Node, pos: cc.Vec2, color: cc.Color, size?: cc.Size) {
let node = new cc.Node();
if (size) {
node.addComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = this.createSpriteFrame_custom(size);
node.color = color;
node.x = pos.x;
node.y = pos.y;
node.anchorX = 0;
node.anchorY = 0;
return node;
* 创建一个button
* @param info
* @param color
* @param labelColor
* @param size
* @param listener
private static createButton_custom(parent: cc.Node, pos: cc.Vec2, info: string, color: cc.Color, labelColor: cc.Color, size: cc.Size, listener?: Function) {
let node = this.createNode_custom(parent, pos, color, size);
node.color = color;
if (listener) {
node.on("click", listener, this);
this.createLabel_custom(parent, pos, info, labelColor);
return node;
* 创建纯色的spriteframe
* @param size
private static createSpriteFrame_custom(size: cc.Size): cc.SpriteFrame {
let texture = new cc.Texture2D();
let spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame();
let count = size.width * size.height * 4;
let imgData = new Uint8Array(count);
for (let j = 0; j < count; j += 4) {
imgData[j] = 255;
imgData[j + 1] = 255;
imgData[j + 2] = 255;
imgData[j + 3] = 255;
texture.initWithData(imgData, cc.Texture2D.PixelFormat.RGBA8888, size.width, size.height);
spriteFrame.setRect(cc.rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height));
return spriteFrame;
} |