You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
720 lines
22 KiB
720 lines
22 KiB
let Fs = require('fs');
let Path = require('path');
let JavascriptObfuscator = require('javascript-obfuscator');
let fmbuild = require('./fmbuild');
let defaultConfig = {
auto: false,
files: ['/src/project.js'],
useAbsPath: false,
preset: 'lower',
options: {}
let presetFileUrl = 'packages://ccc-obfuscated-code/preset.json';
let presets = null;
let list = ['DemoNewWeixin', 'FMViewBase', 'FMViewWudianMoveBlinkBase', 'FMButton', 'FMItemLayout', 'FMScrollViewLoop', 'FMTouchMaskView', 'AppConfig', 'AppSwitchConfig', 'StoreConfig', 'EventEnum', 'EventMgr', 'FMInterface', 'Main', 'BundleMgr', 'GameMgr', 'RYPlatformMgr', 'RemoteMgr', 'SoundMgr', 'StorageMgr', 'TimerUtils', 'VibrateMgr', 'WXADMgr', 'WudianMgr', 'AesTools', 'HttpUnit', 'NetConfig', 'aes', 'ALD', 'MaiLiang', 'OPPOAPI', 'CachedQQBannerAd', 'QQMiniGameAPI', 'ShareAd', 'TTAPI', 'VIVOAPI', 'CachedWXBannerAd', 'WXAPI', 'RYAD', 'RYSDK', 'RYSTAT', 'User', 'AppPlatform', 'Common', 'DateUtils', 'LogUtils', 'Utilit', 'WXBannerView', 'CrazyClickView', 'Export1View', 'Export2View', 'Export3View', 'ADGameBanner', 'ADListView', 'ADSingle', 'ADWXBanner', 'KRQ_Base', 'LoadingView', 'MiniGameItemPrefab', 'MiniGameView', 'OPPONativeAdViewTemplate', 'ButWudianPrefab', 'QQCrazyClickView', 'QQCrazyClickView2', 'QQGameSettleViewTemplate', 'QQGameViewTemplate', 'QQMainViewTemplate', 'TTExport2Template', 'TTGameSettleViewTemplate', 'TTGameViewTemplate', 'TTMainViewTemplate', 'TTMoreReward', 'TTRelive', 'TTReward', 'TTRewardBox', 'TTShareRecord', 'TTSignIn', 'TTStartTry', 'VVNativeAd1View', 'VVNativeAd2View', 'SettleLayoutBase', 'WCGameSettleViewTemplate', 'WCGameViewTemplate', 'WCMainViewTemplate', 'FMAdItemLayout', 'FMAdViewBase', 'FMAdViewFixed', 'FMAdViewLoop', 'FMViewGameSettleWx', 'FMViewGameWx', 'FMViewHaowanWx', 'FMViewHaowanWx2', 'FMViewLoopExportBig', 'FMViewMainWx', 'FMViewReviveWx', 'FMViewSkinWx', 'FMGameFailScene', 'FMGameScene', 'FMGameWinScene', 'FMMainScene']
let listRandom = [];
let rProIndex = 0;
let tabProRand = {}
let identifiersPrefixName = ""
let csrywTab = {}
* 保存加工的配置
* @param {*} config
function saveConfigProcess(config) {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configDirPath = Path.join(projectPath, '/packages/ccc-obfuscated-code/local/');
if (!Fs.existsSync(configDirPath)) Fs.mkdirSync(configDirPath);
let configFilePath = Path.join(configDirPath, 'configProcess.json');
let object = {};
// // 读取本地配置
// if (Fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) {
// object = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(configFilePath, 'utf8'));
// }
// // 写入配置
// for (let key in config) {
// object[key] = config[key];
// }
let classTab = {}
for (let index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
const element = list[index];
const element2 = listRandom[index];
classTab[element] = element2
object.time = (new Date()).toLocaleString();
object.identifiersPrefixName = identifiersPrefixName;
object.class = classTab
//object.csryw = tabProRand
object.csryw = csrywTab
let string = JSON.stringify(object, null, 2);
Fs.writeFileSync(configFilePath, string);
Editor.log('[CC] 混淆数据保存', configFilePath);
* 保存配置
* @param {*} config
function saveConfig(config) {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configDirPath = Path.join(projectPath, '/packages/ccc-obfuscated-code/local/');
if (!Fs.existsSync(configDirPath)) Fs.mkdirSync(configDirPath);
let configFilePath = Path.join(configDirPath, 'ccc-obfuscated-code.json');
let object = {};
// 读取本地配置
if (Fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) {
object = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(configFilePath, 'utf8'));
// 写入配置
for (let key in config) {
object[key] = config[key];
let string = JSON.stringify(object, null, 2);
Fs.writeFileSync(configFilePath, string);
Editor.log('[CC] 配置文件路径', configFilePath);
* 读取配置
function getConfig() {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, '/packages/ccc-obfuscated-code/local/ccc-obfuscated-code.json');
let config = null;
if (Fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) {
config = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(configFilePath, 'utf8'));
// 删除旧版本(1.0.0)的配置文件
let projectName = || projectPath.slice(projectPath.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
if (config[projectName]) {
config = null;
if (!config) {
config = defaultConfig;
config.options = getPreset('off');
if (config.preset !== 'off') {
let preset = getPreset(config.preset);
for (let key in preset) {
config.options[key] = preset[key];
return config;
* 读取预设参数
function getPreset(type) {
if (presets) {
return presets[type];
} else {
let presetFilePath = Editor.url(presetFileUrl);
if (Fs.existsSync(presetFilePath)) {
presets = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(presetFilePath, 'utf8'));
return presets[type];
} else {
return null;
* 混淆
* @param {*} path 文件路径
* @param {*} options 混淆参数
function obfuscate(path, options) {
let sourceCode = Fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
let obfuscationResult = JavascriptObfuscator.obfuscate(sourceCode, options);
let obfuscatedCode = obfuscationResult.getObfuscatedCode();
Fs.writeFileSync(path, obfuscatedCode);
//读取js 文件
function readFileList(dir, filesList = []) {
const files = Fs.readdirSync(dir);
files.forEach((item, index) => {
var fullPath = Path.join(dir, item);
const stat = Fs.statSync(fullPath);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
readFileList(Path.join(dir, item), filesList); //递归读取文件
} else {
if (Path.extname(fullPath) === '.js') {
return filesList;
function randomString() {
let num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
num = num + 7;
var t = "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
a = t.length,
n = "";
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a));
return n
//随机串 class name
function randomStringClassName(num) {
var t = "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
a = t.length,
n = "";
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a));
return n
//随机串 IdentifiersPrefix
function randomStringIdentifiersPrefix(num) {
var t = "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
a = t.length,
n = "";
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a));
return n
function replace_csryw(path) {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, path);
var filesList = [];
readFileList(configFilePath, filesList);
for (let index = 0; index < filesList.length; index++) {
const element = filesList[index];
let data = Fs.readFileSync(element);
if (data) {
data = data.toString() + "";
for (var key in tabProRand) {
data = data.replace(new RegExp("." + key, "gm"), tabProRand[key]);
Fs.writeFileSync(element, data);
//混淆 assets subpackages
function replaceFile(actualPlatform) {
if (actualPlatform == "wechatgame") {
tabProRand = {};
rProIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
find_csryw_file("/build/wechatgame/assets/", tabProRand);
find_csryw_file("/build/wechatgame/subpackages/", tabProRand);
// //替换的字符
// let cstr = randomString()
// Editor.warn("替换 _csryw 为 " + cstr);
} else {
Editor.warn("当前平台没有处理 关键字 替换" + actualPlatform);
function replace_className(path) {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, path);
var filesList = [];
readFileList(configFilePath, filesList);
for (let index = 0; index < filesList.length; index++) {
const element = filesList[index];
let data = Fs.readFileSync(element);
if (data) {
data = data.toString() + "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
data = data.replace(new RegExp(",\'" + list[i] + "\'", "gm"), ",\'" + listRandom[i] + "\'");
data = data.replace(new RegExp(":\'" + list[i] + "\'", "gm"), ":\'" + listRandom[i] + "\'");
data = data.replace(new RegExp("\'" + list[i] + "\':", "gm"), "\'" + listRandom[i] + "\':");
data = data.replace("\[\'" + list[i] + "\'", "\[\'" + listRandom[i] + "\'");
//data = data.replace(new RegExp("/" + list[i] + "", "gm"), "/" + listRandom[i] + "");
Fs.writeFileSync(element, data);
function find_csryw_file(path, array) {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, path);
var filesList = [];
readFileList(configFilePath, filesList);
for (let index = 0; index < filesList.length; index++) {
const element = filesList[index];
let data = Fs.readFileSync(element);
if (data) {
data = data.toString() + "";
let cnextid = data.indexOf('_csryw'); // 字符出现的位置
while (cnextid !== -1) {
let cid1 = data.lastIndexOf(".", cnextid);
let cid2 = data.lastIndexOf("\"", cnextid);
let cid3 = data.lastIndexOf("{", cnextid);
let cid4 = data.lastIndexOf(",", cnextid);
let cid = -1;
cid = cid1 > cid ? cid1 : cid;
cid = cid2 > cid ? cid2 : cid;
cid = cid3 > cid ? cid3 : cid;
cid = cid4 > cid ? cid4 : cid;
if (cid != -1) {
let str = data.slice(cid + 1, cnextid + 6);
if (!array[str]) {
let strRandName = randomStringClassName(4);
let nstr = strRandName.slice(0, 2) + rProIndex + strRandName.slice(2);
rProIndex = rProIndex + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
array[str] = nstr;
cnextid = data.indexOf('_csryw', cnextid + 1); // 从字符串出现的位置的下一位置开始继续查找
//查找 _csryw
function find_csryw() {
function test(actualPlatform) {
if (actualPlatform == "wechatgame") {
listRandom = [];
let cindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let str = randomStringClassName(2);
let nstr = str.slice(0, 1) + cindex + str.slice(1);
cindex = cindex + Math.floor(Math.random() * 40);
Editor.warn("替换 class name ");
} else {
Editor.warn("当前平台没有处理 class 关键字 替换" + actualPlatform);
function javaObfuscator(filePath) {
let sourceCode = Fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
let obfuscationResult = JavascriptObfuscator.obfuscate(sourceCode, {
"compact": true,
"controlFlowFlattening": false,
"controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 0.75,
"deadCodeInjection": false,
"deadCodeInjectionThreshold": 0.4,
"debugProtection": false,
"debugProtectionInterval": false,
"disableConsoleOutput": false,
"domainLock": [],
"identifierNamesGenerator": "mangled",
"identifiersDictionary": [],
"identifiersPrefix": "",
"inputFileName": "",
"log": false,
"renameGlobals": false,
"reservedNames": [],
"reservedStrings": [],
"rotateStringArray": true,
"seed": "",
"selfDefending": false,
"shuffleStringArray": false,
"sourceMap": false,
"sourceMapBaseUrl": "",
"sourceMapFileName": "",
"sourceMapMode": "separate",
"splitStrings": false,
"splitStringsChunkLength": 10,
"stringArray": false,
"stringArrayEncoding": false,
"stringArrayThreshold": 0.75,
"target": "browser",
"transformObjectKeys": false,
"unicodeEscapeSequence": false
let obfuscatedCode = obfuscationResult.getObfuscatedCode();
Fs.writeFileSync(filePath, obfuscatedCode);
function find_csryw_file2(path) {
let data = Fs.readFileSync(path);
if (data) {
data = data.toString() + "";
let cnextid = data.indexOf('_csryw'); // 字符出现的位置
while (cnextid !== -1) {
let cid1 = data.lastIndexOf(".", cnextid);
let cid2 = data.lastIndexOf("\"", cnextid);
let cid3 = data.lastIndexOf("{", cnextid);
let cid4 = data.lastIndexOf(",", cnextid);
let cid5 = data.lastIndexOf(" ", cnextid);
let cid6 = data.lastIndexOf("(", cnextid);
let cid7 = data.lastIndexOf("[", cnextid);
let cid = -1;
cid = cid1 > cid ? cid1 : cid;
cid = cid2 > cid ? cid2 : cid;
cid = cid3 > cid ? cid3 : cid;
cid = cid4 > cid ? cid4 : cid;
cid = cid5 > cid ? cid5 : cid;
cid = cid6 > cid ? cid6 : cid;
cid = cid7 > cid ? cid7 : cid;
if (cid != -1) {
let str = data.slice(cid + 1, cnextid + 6);
if (!csrywTab[str]) {
let strRandName = randomStringClassName(4);
let nstr = strRandName.slice(0, 2) + rProIndex + strRandName.slice(2);
rProIndex = rProIndex + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
csrywTab[str] = nstr;
cnextid = data.indexOf('_csryw', cnextid + 1); // 从字符串出现的位置的下一位置开始继续查找
function rmdir(filePath) {
if (Fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
if (Fs.statSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
let files = Fs.readdirSync(filePath);
files.forEach((file, idx) => {
var curPath = filePath + Path.sep + file;
if (Fs.statSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {
} else {
} else {
function copyFolder2(srcDir, tarDir) {
// Editor.log(srcDir + " " + tarDir)
if (!Fs.existsSync(tarDir)) Fs.mkdirSync(tarDir);
let files = Fs.readdirSync(srcDir);
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var srcPath = Path.join(srcDir, files[i]);
var tarPath = Path.join(tarDir, files[i]);
let result = Fs.statSync(srcPath);
if (result.isFile()) {
Fs.copyFileSync(srcPath, tarPath);
} else if (result.isDirectory()) {
copyFolder(srcPath, tarPath, null);
//! 将srcDir文件下的文件、文件夹递归的复制到tarDir下
function copyFolder(srcDir, tarDir, cb) {
// Editor.log(srcDir + " " + tarDir)
if (!Fs.existsSync(tarDir)) Fs.mkdirSync(tarDir);
let files = Fs.readdirSync(srcDir);
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var srcPath = Path.join(srcDir, files[i]);
var tarPath = Path.join(tarDir, files[i]);
let result = Fs.statSync(srcPath);
if (result.isFile()) {
let name = Path.extname(srcPath);
if (name == ".js") {//|| name == ".json"
Fs.copyFileSync(srcPath, tarPath);
if (name == ".js") {
//Editor.log("处理 " + srcPath)
} else if (result.isDirectory()) {
copyFolder(srcPath, tarPath, null);
if (cb) {
//替换 文件关键字
function replace_csryw_write(srcPath) {
let name = Path.extname(srcPath);
if (name == ".js" || name == ".json") {
let data = Fs.readFileSync(srcPath);
if (data) {
data = data.toString() + "";
for (var key in csrywTab) {
data = data.replace(new RegExp(key, "gm"), csrywTab[key]);
Fs.writeFileSync(srcPath, data);
function replace_csryw2(srcDir) {
let result = Fs.statSync(srcDir);
if (result.isFile()) {
} else if (result.isDirectory()) {
let files = Fs.readdirSync(srcDir);
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var srcPath = Path.join(srcDir, files[i]);
let result = Fs.statSync(srcPath);
if (result.isFile()) {
} else if (result.isDirectory()) {
// function findCsryw2(srcDir, cb) {
// let files = Fs.readdirSync(srcDir);
// for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
// var srcPath = Path.join(srcDir, files[i]);
// let result = Fs.statSync(srcPath);
// if (result.isFile()) {
// let name = Path.extname(srcPath);
// if (name == ".js") {
// find_csryw_file2(srcPath);
// }
// } else if (result.isDirectory()) {
// findCsryw2(srcPath, null);
// }
// }
// if (cb) {
// cb();
// }
// }
function test3() {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, "/library/");
let srcPath = Path.join(configFilePath, "/imports/");
let decPath = Path.join(configFilePath, "/importsOther/");
copyFolder2(decPath, srcPath)
function test2() {
let projectPath = Editor.Project.path || Editor.projectPath;
let configFilePath = Path.join(projectPath, "/library/");
let srcPath = Path.join(configFilePath, "/imports/");
let decPath = Path.join(configFilePath, "/importsOther/");
csrywTab = {}
Editor.log("清理" + decPath)
if (!Fs.existsSync(decPath)) {
Editor.log("创建 " + decPath)
//拷贝过去 并 找到关键字 随机
copyFolder(srcPath, decPath)
// csrywTab["AUTO_VIEW_csryw"] = "123"
// csrywTab["ExportViewType_csryw"] = "1244443"
//let str = Path.join(decPath, "/14/147d4940-1ed7-44fb-bbfc-1fb26eb8d73a.js");
module.exports = {
load() {
Editor.Builder.on('build-start', this.onBuildStart);
// Editor.Builder.on('build-finished', this.onBuildFinished);
//Editor.Builder.on('before-change-files', this.onBeforeChangeFiles);
Editor.Builder.on('build-finished', this.onBeforeChangeFiles);
unload() {
Editor.Builder.removeListener('build-start', this.onBuildStart);
// Editor.Builder.removeListener('build-finished', this.onBuildFinished);
// Editor.Builder.removeListener('before-change-files', this.onBeforeChangeFiles);
Editor.Builder.removeListener('build-finished', this.onBeforeChangeFiles);
messages: {
'open-panel'() {
Editor.log('[CC] 代码混淆工具/构建后自动混淆');
// 'open-panel'() {
// Editor.log('[CC] 代码混淆工具/主动混淆');
// },
'save-config'(event, config) {
Editor.log('[CC] 保存配置');
event.reply(null, true);
//new fmbuild();
'read-config'(event) {
Editor.log('[CC] 读取配置');
let config = getConfig();
event.reply(null, config);
'get-preset'(event, name) {
Editor.log('[CC] 读取预设', name);
let preset = getPreset(name);
if (preset) {
event.reply(null, preset);
} else {
Editor.log('[CC] 预设文件已丢失');
Editor.log('[CC] 文件下载地址');
event.reply(null, {});
onBuildStart(options, callback) {
let config = getConfig();
if ( {
Editor.log('[CC] 将在项目构建完成后自动混淆代码')
try {
} catch (err) {
onBeforeChangeFiles(options, callback) {
let config = getConfig();
if ( {
Editor.log('[CC] 正在混淆代码');
// try {
// for (let i = 0; i < config.files.length; i++) {
// if (config.files[i] === '') continue;
// let path = config.useAbsPath ? config.files[i] : Path.join(options.dest, config.files[i]);
// if (Fs.existsSync(path)) {
// Editor.log('[CC] 混淆文件', path);
// //javaObfuscator(path)
// obfuscate(path, config.options);
// } else {
// Editor.warn('[CC] 文件不存在', path);
// }
// }
// test3();
// } catch (err) {
// Editor.error(err)
// }
try {
identifiersPrefixName = randomStringIdentifiersPrefix(7)
Editor.log("identifiersPrefixName " + identifiersPrefixName)
config.options.identifiersPrefix = identifiersPrefixName
config.options.renameGlobals = true;
for (let i = 0; i < config.files.length; i++) {
if (config.files[i] === '') continue;
let path = config.useAbsPath ? config.files[i] : Path.join(options.dest, config.files[i]);
if (Fs.existsSync(path)) {
Editor.log('[CC] 混淆文件', path);
obfuscate(path, config.options);
} else {
Editor.warn('[CC] 文件不存在', path);
} catch (err) {
Editor.warn('[CC] 混淆已结束');
} |