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const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class AdaptAll extends cc.Component {
isByChange = true;
onLoad() {
if (this.isByChange) {
cc.view.setResizeCallback(() => this.resize())
public curDR: cc.Size;
public resize() {
var cvs = cc.find('Canvas').getComponent(cc.Canvas);
// if (!this.curDR) {
this.curDR = cvs.designResolution;
// }
var dr = this.curDR;
var s = cc.view.getVisibleSizeInPixel();
var rw = s.width;
var rh = s.height;
var finalW = rw;
var finalH = rh;
// if ((rw / rh) < (dr.width / dr.height)) {
// //!#zh: 是否优先将设计分辨率高度撑满视图高度。 */
// //cvs.fitHeight = true;
// //如果更长,则用定高
// finalH = dr.height;
// finalW = finalH * rw / rh;
// }
// else {
// /*!#zh: 是否优先将设计分辨率宽度撑满视图宽度。 */
// //cvs.fitWidth = true;
// //如果更短,则用定宽
// finalW = dr.width;
// finalH = rh / rw * finalW;
// }
this.node.width = cvs.designResolution.width;
this.node.height = cvs.designResolution.height;