/* * @Author: YeeChan * @Date: 2021-06-02 11:27:38 * @Description: */ 'use strict'; let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('fire-path'); const { Client } = Editor.require("packages://sftp/node_modules/ssh2"); const archiver = Editor.require("packages://sftp/node_modules/archiver"); Editor.Panel.extend({ style: fs.readFileSync(Editor.url("packages://sftp/panel/index.css"), "utf-8"), template: fs.readFileSync(Editor.url("packages://sftp/panel/index.html"), "utf-8"), // method executed when template and styles are successfully loaded and initialized ready() { const app = new window.Vue({ el: this.shadowRoot, created() { this._panelCreated(); }, init() { }, data: { cfgPath: Editor.url('packages://sftp/configsftp.json'), profile: null, uploadProgress: 0, remoteRoot: "/www/wwwroot/renyounew.5iape.com/",//远端的地址 remotePath: "/www/wwwroot/renyounew.5iape.com/remoteGame/",//远端的地址 clientConfig: { host: '', port: 22, username: 'test', password: 'test' } }, methods: { //保存配置 saveProfile() { fs.writeFileSync(this.cfgPath, JSON.stringify(this.profile)); }, _panelCreated() { if (!fs.existsSync(this.cfgPath)) { let defaultData = { 'localPath': './build/web-desktop/', 'gameName': '', 'remote': false }; // 你自己默认的数据 fs.writeFileSync(this.cfgPath, JSON.stringify(defaultData)); } this.profile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.cfgPath, 'utf-8')); }, //保存配置 onBtnClickSave(event) { Editor.log('onBtnClickSave'); this.saveProfile(); }, /** * 描述:连接远程电脑 * 回调:then(conn) 连接远程的client对象 */ Connect(then) { let conn = new Client(); conn.on("ready", function () { then(conn); }).on('error', function (err) { Editor.log("connect error!", err); }).on('end', function () { // console.log("connect end!"); }).on('close', function (had_error) { //console.log("connect close"); }).connect({ host: '', port: 22, username: 'root', password: '#WHmiR6g27i!w5OF' }); }, /** * 执行命令 * @param {*} conn * @param {*} cmd * @param {*} then */ execCmd(conn, cmd, then) { conn.exec(cmd, function (err, stream) { if (err) { Editor.error(err) then(-1, err); } else { stream.on('close', function (code, signal) { Editor.log("命令执行完毕:" + cmd) then(0) }).on('data', function (data) { // Editor.log('STDOUT: ' + data); then(1, data); }).stderr.on('data', function (data) { Editor.log('执行命令错误: ' + data); }); } }); }, //上传 onBtnClickUpload2(event) { let me = this; if (me.profile.gameName == "") {//默认无 Editor.log("请设置游戏的名字"); return; } if (me.profile.localPath == "") {//默认无 Editor.log("请设置本地的文件夹"); return; } let localPath = path.resolve(Editor.Project.path, me.profile.localPath); //远程包 if (me.profile.remote) { localPath = path.resolve(localPath, "remote"); Editor.log("远程包上传"); } else { Editor.log("远程包上传"); } Editor.log('上传本地路径:' + localPath); if (!fs.existsSync(localPath)) { Editor.log('本地路径不存在:请重新设置'); return } me.saveProfile(); me.uploadProgress = 0; let remotePath = path.posix.join(me.remotePath, me.profile.gameName) let zipname = 'upload.zip'; let zipFilePath = path.join(localPath, '../', zipname) Editor.log('准备压缩...'); var output = fs.createWriteStream(zipFilePath); var archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); output.on('close', function () { Editor.log('压缩完成'); let remoteZipFilePath = path.join(remotePath, zipname) let remoteZipFilePathPosix = path.posix.join(remotePath, zipname) // Editor.log('zipFilePath ' + zipFilePath); // Editor.log('remoteZipFilePath ' + remoteZipFilePath); // Editor.log('remoteZipFilePathPosix ' + remoteZipFilePathPosix); me.Connect(function (conn) { // 判断文件夹的存在 删除并创建 let cmd = `cd ${me.remotePath} && rm -rf ${me.profile.gameName} && mkdir ${me.profile.gameName}`; me.execCmd(conn, cmd, function (code, info) { if (code == 0) { me.sftp(zipFilePath, remoteZipFilePath, remoteZipFilePathPosix); } }); }); }); archive.pipe(output); if (me.profile.remote) { archive.directory(localPath, "remote"); } else { archive.directory(localPath, false); } archive.finalize(); }, //上传 sftp(zipFilePath, remoteZipFilePath, remoteZipFilePathPosix) { Editor.log("准备上传...") let me = this; me.Connect(function (conn) { conn.sftp((err, sftp) => { if (err) { throw err; } sftp.fastPut(zipFilePath, remoteZipFilePathPosix, { step: function (total, nb, fsize) { let progess = Math.round(total / fsize * 100) if (progess > 90) { progess = 90; } me.uploadProgress = progess; } }, (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } Editor.log('上传完成'); conn.end(); // 删掉本地的zip文件 if (fs.existsSync(zipFilePath)) { Editor.log('删掉本地zip文件 ' + zipFilePath) fs.unlinkSync(zipFilePath); } //解压 me.unzip(remoteZipFilePath); }); }); }) }, // 解压文件到当先目录 unzip(zipfile) { Editor.log('准备解压...'); let me = this; let zipName = path.basename(zipfile); let remotePath = path.posix.join(me.remotePath, me.profile.gameName) let cmd = `cd ${remotePath} && unzip -o ${zipName}`; me.Connect(function (conn) { me.execCmd(conn, cmd, function (code, info) { if (code == 0) { Editor.log("解压完成"); me.uploadProgress = 95; me.synShell() } }); }); }, //同步shell synShell() { let me = this; let cmd2 = `cd ${me.remoteRoot} && ./mainscp.sh ${me.remotePath}${me.profile.gameName}` Editor.log("同步命令:" + cmd2) me.Connect(function (conn) { me.execCmd(conn, cmd2, function (code, info) { if (code == 0) { me.uploadProgress = 100; Editor.log("多服务器同步完成"); let url = "https://renyousome.5iape.com/remoteGame/" + me.profile.gameName + "/"; Editor.log("目标地址:" + url) } else { // Editor.log("同步中:" + info); } }); }); } } }) }, });