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198 lines
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198 lines
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4 weeks ago
* @Author: YeeChan
* @Date: 2020-12-23 11:50:28
* @Description:
import FMSkeletonExtend from "./FMSkeletonExtend";
import FMComponentExtend from "../Base/FMComponentExtend";
import SoundMgr from "../Mgr/SoundMgr";
* spine对象的处理
const { ccclass, property, menu, disallowMultiple, executionOrder, requireComponent, executeInEditMode, playOnFocus } = cc._decorator;
@disallowMultiple() //防止多个相同类型(或子类型)的组件被添加到同一个节点
export default class FMSpine extends FMComponentExtend {
private spine: FMSkeletonExtend;
private arrayEvent: Array<{ "name": string, "listener": FMListener }> = [];
private arraySlotEvent: {} = {};
protected EventEnumView_custom: { [key: string]: string; } = {};
protected initView_custom() {
//事件 监听
this.getSpine().setEventListener((trackEntry, event) => {
let animation = trackEntry.animation;
let animationName =;
let eventName = &&;
let eventStringValue = event.stringValue;
let eventIntValue = event.intValue;
let eventFloatValue = event.floatValue;
if (eventName == "sound") {//声音事件
SoundMgr.playSpineSound_custom(eventStringValue, animationName);
this.arrayEvent.forEach(element => {
let name =;
let listener = element.listener;
if (name == eventName) {
callFM_custom(listener, animation, animationName, eventName);
//this.getSpine().debugBones = true;
* 添加槽的受影响动作及对应添加的子节点
* @param slotName 槽名字
* @param arrarAction 所受影响的动作
* @param childNode 动作里的自定义子节点
addSlotByNodeEvent(slotName: string, arrarAction: string[], childNode: cc.Node[]) {
this.arraySlotEvent[slotName] = {
"slot": this.getSpine().findSlot(slotName),
"arrayAction": arrarAction,
"childNode": childNode
// console.log(slotName)
// console.log(this.getSpine().findSlot(slotName))
* 添加事件监听
* @param eventName 事件的名字
* @param listener 事件的回调
addEvent(eventName: string, listener: FMListener) {
"name": eventName,
"listener": listener
* 移除所有的事件监听
removeEventAll() {
this.arrayEvent = [];
* 当前播放的动画名称
animation(): string {
return this.getSpine().animation
* 当前骨骼中所有动画的时间缩放率
* @param scale
setTimeScale(scale: number) {
this.getSpine().timeScale = scale;
* 获取spine对象
getSpine(): FMSkeletonExtend {
if (this.spine == null) {
this.spine = this.node.getComponent(FMSkeletonExtend)
return this.spine;
update(dt: number) {
// for (const key in this.arraySlotEvent) {
// if (this.arraySlotEvent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// const element = this.arraySlotEvent[key];
// let slot = element.slot
// let arrayAction: string[] = element.arrayAction;
// let childNode: cc.Node[] = element.childNode;
// for (let index = 0; index < arrayAction.length; index++) {
// const actionName = arrayAction[index];
// if (this.getSpine().animation != actionName) {//不一样
// childNode.forEach(element2 => {
// = false;
// });
// }
// }
// }
// }
// for (const key in this.arraySlotEvent) {
// if (this.arraySlotEvent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// const element = this.arraySlotEvent[key];
// let slot = element.slot
// let arrayAction: string[] = element.arrayAction;
// let childNode: cc.Node[] = element.childNode;
// for (let index = 0; index < arrayAction.length; index++) {
// const actionName = arrayAction[index];
// if (this.getSpine().animation == actionName) {//不一样
// childNode.forEach(element2 => {
// = true;
// element2.x = slot.bone.worldX;
// element2.y = slot.bone.worldY;
// element2.scaleX = slot.bone.scaleX;
// element2.scaleY = slot.bone.scaleY;
// element2.angle = slot.bone.getWorldRotationX();
// element2.color = cc.color(slot.color.r * 255, slot.color.g * 255, slot.color.b * 255);
// element2.opacity = slot.color.a * 255;
// });
// }
// }
// }
// }
// vconsole.min.js:11 `cc.Node.rotationX` is deprecated since v2.1.0, please set `eulerAngles` instead. (`this.node.rotationX = x` -> `this.node.is3DNode = true; this.node.eulerAngles = cc.v3(x, 0, 0)`
* 设置当前动画。队列中的任何的动画将被清除
* @param name 动画名字
* @param loop 是否循环
* @param trackIndex 队列
setAnimation(name: string, loop: boolean = false, trackIndex: number = 0) {
this.getSpine().setAnimation(trackIndex, name, loop);
* 为所有关键帧设定混合及混合时间(从当前值开始差值)。
* @param fromAnimation 开始动作
* @param toAnimation 结束动作
* @param duration 时间
setMix(fromAnimation: string, toAnimation: string, duration: number) {
this.getSpine().setMix(fromAnimation, toAnimation, duration);
* 按名称查找皮肤,激活该皮肤
* @param skinName
setSkin(skinName: string) {