You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

717 lines
27 KiB

// Learn TypeScript:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/typescript.html
// Learn Attribute:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
// - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
import { ryw_Event } from "../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum";
import EventMgr from "../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr";
import User from "../../FrameWork/User/User";
import Common5 from "../../Platform/th/Common5";
import UserManager from "../Manager/UserManager";
import AppPlatform from "../../FrameWork/Util/AppPlatform";
import PrefabManage from "../PrefabManager/PrefabManage";
import BagManager, { GoodsLocalProperty } from "../Manager/BagManager";
import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../JuQingChat/TaskManager";
import GuWanManager from "./GuWanManager";
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class Jianding extends cc.Component {
goodsName: cc.Label = null;
priceLab: cc.Label = null;
iconNode: cc.Node = null;
mabuSpine: cc.Node = null;
jiandingBtn: cc.Node = null;
jiandingVideoBtn: cc.Node = null;
jiandingBtnChiShu: cc.Label = null;
doubleMaichuBtn: cc.Node = null;
qipaoNode: cc.Node = null;
maichuTiQianBtn: cc.Node = null;
fangRuBeiBaoBtn: cc.Node = null;
maichuBtn: cc.Node = null;
arrayNode: cc.Node[] = [];
zhenPin: cc.Node = null;
yanpin: cc.Node = null;
dierci: cc.Node = null;
diyici: cc.Node = null;
jiandingqian: cc.Node = null;
kuangwu: cc.Node = null;
jiandingChishu = null
goodsConfig = null
curPrice: number = 0
recoverPosi = null
resultGoodId: number = 0
bagItemConfig: { goodId: number, jiandingChishu: number, zhenjiawupin: number, fenlei: number, goodNum: number, priceNum: number } = null;
onLoad() {
this.zhenPin = this.iconNode.getChildByName('zhenpin')
this.yanpin = this.iconNode.getChildByName('yanpin')
this.kuangwu = this.iconNode.getChildByName('kuangwu')
this.dierci = this.iconNode.getChildByName('dierci')
this.diyici = this.iconNode.getChildByName('diyici')
this.jiandingqian = this.iconNode.getChildByName('jiandingqian')
this.recoverPosi = this.mabuSpine.getPosition()
start() {
this.maichuBtn = this.node.getChildByName('maichuBtn')
this.fangRuBeiBaoBtn = this.node.getChildByName('fangRuBeiBaoBtn')
let appraisalIndex = User.getAppraisalIndex()
if (appraisalIndex > 0) {
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = false
this.jiandingBtn.active = true
this.jiandingBtnChiShu.string = appraisalIndex + ''
} else {
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = true
this.jiandingBtn.active = false
this.maichuBtn.active = false
this.fangRuBeiBaoBtn.active = false
EventMgr.onceEvent_custom(ryw_Event.subBack, () => {
}, this)
refreshData(jiandingChishu, goodsConfig, bagItemConfig) {
this.jiandingChishu = jiandingChishu
this.bagItemConfig = bagItemConfig
this.goodsName.string = '古玩'
this.goodsConfig = goodsConfig
console.log(jiandingChishu, 'jiandingChishu++====')
console.log(this.goodsConfig, 'this.goodsConfig++====')
if (jiandingChishu > 3) {
} else {
let price = this.goodsConfig.buyPrice
let aaa = Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(price, '1')
aaa = aaa as string
this.curPrice = price
this.priceLab.string = aaa
let spr = goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/鉴定前'
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("huxingongyuan", goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/鉴定前', this.jiandingqian.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("huxingongyuan", goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/鉴定第一次', this.diyici.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
}, 0.08)
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("huxingongyuan", goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/鉴定第二次', this.dierci.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
}, 0.12)
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("huxingongyuan", goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/赝品', this.yanpin.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
}, 0.14)
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("huxingongyuan", goodsConfig.spriteArray + '/真品', this.zhenPin.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
}, 0.16)
this.arrayNode = [this.jiandingqian, this.diyici, this.dierci]
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
if (jiandingChishu != null) {
if (jiandingChishu == 0) {
this.jiandingqian.active = true
this.dierci.active = true
this.diyici.active = true
} else if (jiandingChishu == 1) {
this.jiandingqian.active = false
this.dierci.active = true
this.diyici.active = true
} else if (jiandingChishu == 2) {
this.jiandingqian.active = false
this.diyici.active = false
this.dierci.active = true
}, 0.1)
getIsZhongjiang() {
let GuWanShiChang = [50, 50]//Common5.GameProbabillityConfig.GuWanShiChang.common
let index_ = Common5.getProbabilityResultIndex(GuWanShiChang)
//console.log( index_, 'index_+++11==')
if (index_ == 0) {
return true
} else if (index_ == 1) {
return false
getIsZhongjiang2(zhongjianggai) {
let index_ = Common5.getProbabilityResultIndex([zhongjianggai, 100 - zhongjianggai])
//console.log( index_, 'index_+++==')
//console.log( index_, 'index_+++22==')
if (index_ == 1) {
return false
} else if (index_ == 0) {
return true
jiandingClick(event) {
let target = event.target
if (this.jiandingBtn['isAun']) {
// Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", '古玩市场-免费鉴定');
if (!this.jiandingBtn['isAun']) {
this.jiandingBtn['isAun'] = true
let jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu
if (jiandingChishu == 3) {
PrefabManage.showTextTips('当前物品不需要鉴定', 1)
this.jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu + 1
let appraisalIndex = User.getAppraisalIndex()
appraisalIndex = appraisalIndex - 1
this.jiandingBtnChiShu.string = appraisalIndex + ''
if (appraisalIndex == 0) {
this.jiandingBtn.active = false
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = true
this.doubleMaichuBtn.active = false
if (this.jiandingChishu >= 3) {
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = false
} else {
jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu
let goodId = this.goodsConfig.id
let posiData = this.goodsConfig.chachuPosiArray[jiandingChishu - 1]
let posi = cc.v2(posiData[0], posiData[1])
let realTingProbability = this.goodsConfig.realTingProbability //概率
let isSpine = this.goodsConfig.isSpine
this.mabuSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, "ma", false)
this.mabuSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setCompleteListener(() => {
let miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
// this.qipaoNode.scale = 0.01
// this.qipaoNode.active = true
// let label_ = this.qipaoNode.getChildByName('qipaoLab').getComponent(cc.Label)
// label_.string = ''
// cc.tween(this.qipaoNode )
// .to(0.3,{scale:1})
// .call(()=>{
// label_.string = miaoshu
// })
// .start()
let node_ = this.arrayNode[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.jiandingBtn['isAun'] = false
node_.active = false
if (jiandingChishu == 1) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie1').active = true
if (jiandingChishu == 2) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie2').active = true
if (jiandingChishu == 3) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie3').active = true
// this.scheduleOnce(()=>{
// this.qipaoNode.active = false
// },2)
this.curPrice = this.goodsConfig.salePrices[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.bagItemConfig.jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu
if (jiandingChishu == 2) {
this.maichuTiQianBtn.active = true
} else {
this.maichuTiQianBtn.active = false
if (jiandingChishu >= 3) {
this.jiandingBtn.active = false
// this.maichuBtn.active = true
// this.doubleMaichuBtn.active = true
this.fangRuBeiBaoBtn.active = true
let zhenPrice = this.goodsConfig.salePrices[2]
let jiaPrice = this.goodsConfig.jiahuoPrice
if (realTingProbability == 50) {
let iszhong = this.getIsZhongjiang()
for (let i = 0; i < this.arrayNode.length; i++) {
let node_ = this.arrayNode[i]
node_.active = false
if (iszhong) {
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 1
this.curPrice = zhenPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.zhenGoodId
this.yanpin.active = false
this.zhenPin.active = true
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.goodsName.string = this.goodsConfig.goodName
} else {
this.goodsName.string = "假" + this.goodsConfig.goodName
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 0
this.curPrice = jiaPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.jiaGoodId
this.yanpin.active = true
this.zhenPin.active = false
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[3]
} else {
let iszhong = this.getIsZhongjiang2(realTingProbability)
if (iszhong) {
this.goodsName.string = this.goodsConfig.goodName
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 1
this.curPrice = zhenPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.zhenGoodId
this.yanpin.active = false
this.zhenPin.active = true
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
// if(isSpine){
// this.yanpin.active = false
// this.zhenPin.active = false
// this.kuangwu.active = true
// }
} else {
this.goodsName.string = "假" + this.goodsConfig.goodName
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 0
this.curPrice = jiaPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.jiaGoodId
this.yanpin.active = true
this.zhenPin.active = false
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[3]
//背包数据更新 FIX ME
} else {
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 3
// if ((goodId == 18 || GuWanManager.getIsVideo()) && jiandingChishu == 1) {
if (goodId > 17 && jiandingChishu == 1) {
// if (jiandingChishu == 1) {
// let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * Common5.caiPuConfigs.length)
// let config = Common5.caiPuConfigs[index]
// this.curPrice = config.priceNum
// this.jiandingBtn.active = false
// this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = false
// this.fangRuBeiBaoBtn.active = true
// this.resultGoodId = config.goodId
// this.goodsName.string = config.goodName
// Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("GoodIcon", 'icon/' + config.goodId, this.diyici.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
this.bagItemConfig.priceNum = this.curPrice
// User.updataBagGoodsList(this.bagItemConfig)
let aaa = Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(this.curPrice, '1', 1)
aaa = aaa as string
this.priceLab.string = aaa
checkTask(jiandingChishu) {
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
let configData = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId)
let GMGoodIdArray = configData.GMGoodIdArray
let taskCaiGouDan = configData.taskCaiGouDan
if (taskCaiGouDan && taskCaiGouDan.length > 0) {
// let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * Common5.caiPuConfigs.length)
// let config = Common5.caiPuConfigs[index]
let goodArray = [{ goodId: this.goodsConfig.id, goodNum: 1 }]//this.getTaskGoods()
// if (goodArray[0].goodId == 0) {
// return
// }
let config = BagManager.getGoodsProperty(goodArray[0].goodId)
this.curPrice = config.priceNum
this.jiandingBtn.active = false
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = false
this.fangRuBeiBaoBtn.active = true
this.resultGoodId = config.goodId
this.goodsName.string = config.goodName
Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("GoodIcon", 'icon/' + config.goodId, this.diyici.getComponent(cc.Sprite));
Common5.setRemoteSpriteFrame(this.diyici.getComponent(cc.Sprite), 'GoodIcon/' + config.goodId)
for (let i = 0; i < this.arrayNode.length; i++) {
let node_ = this.arrayNode[i]
node_.active = false
this.diyici.active = true
getTaskGoods() {
let goodArray = [{ goodId: 0, goodNum: 1 }]
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
let configData = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId)
let GMGoodIdArray = configData.GMGoodIdArray
let taskCaiGouDan = configData.taskCaiGouDan
if (taskCaiGouDan && taskCaiGouDan.length > 0) {
if (GuWanManager.getIsVideo()) {//当前已经看过广告
for (let i = 0; i < GMGoodIdArray.length; i++) {
if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(GMGoodIdArray[i]) <= 0) {
goodArray = [{ goodId: GMGoodIdArray[i], goodNum: 1 }]
if (goodArray[0].goodId == 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < taskCaiGouDan.length; i++) {
if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(taskCaiGouDan[i]) <= 0 && GMGoodIdArray.indexOf(taskCaiGouDan[i]) == -1) {
goodArray = [{ goodId: taskCaiGouDan[i], goodNum: 1 }]
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < taskCaiGouDan.length; i++) {
if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(taskCaiGouDan[i]) <= 0 && GMGoodIdArray.indexOf(taskCaiGouDan[i]) == -1) {
goodArray = [{ goodId: taskCaiGouDan[i], goodNum: 1 }]
return goodArray
maichuClick(event) {
let target = event.target
UserManager.addMoney(this.curPrice, target)
tiqianMaichuVDClick(event) {
let target = event.target
let tab = {
onClose: (finish) => {
if (finish) {
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", `任务${mainId}-AD-古玩市场提前卖出`);
UserManager.addMoney(this.curPrice, target)
} else {
}, onFailed: () => {
doubleMaichuClick(event) {
let target = event.target
let tab = {
onClose: (finish) => {
if (finish) {
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", `任务${mainId}-AD-古玩市场翻倍卖出`);
UserManager.addMoney(this.curPrice * 2, target)
} else {
}, onFailed: () => {
onBtnFangRuBeiBaoClick() {
let bagConfig: GoodsLocalProperty = {
goodId: this.resultGoodId,
goodNum: 1,
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
let configData = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId)
let GMGoodIdArray = configData.GMGoodIdArray
let taskCaiGouDan = configData.taskCaiGouDan
let isHave = true
for (let i = 0; i < taskCaiGouDan.length; i++) {
if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(taskCaiGouDan[i]) <= 0) {
isHave = false
if (isHave) {
if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1202) {
} else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2002) {
BagManager.addBagList({ goodId: 3733, goodNum: 1 })
} else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2304) {
} else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2604) {
VideoClick() {
if (this.jiandingVideoBtn['isAun']) {
if (!this.jiandingVideoBtn['isAun']) {
this.jiandingVideoBtn['isAun'] = true
let tab = {
onClose: (finish) => {
if (finish) {
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", `任务${mainId}-AD-古玩市场获取次数`);
let appraisalIndex = User.getAppraisalIndex()
if (appraisalIndex > 0) {
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = false
this.jiandingBtn.active = true
this.jiandingBtnChiShu.string = appraisalIndex + ''
} else {
this.jiandingVideoBtn.active = true
this.jiandingBtn.active = false
else {
this.jiandingVideoBtn['isAun'] = false
}, onFailed: () => {
mabuChachu() {
if (this.jiandingChishu == 3) {
PrefabManage.showTextTips('当前物品不需要鉴定', 1)
this.jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu + 1
let jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu
let posiData = this.goodsConfig.chachuPosiArray[jiandingChishu - 1]
let posi = cc.v2(posiData[0], posiData[1])
let realTingProbability = this.goodsConfig.realTingProbability //概率
// let refreshData
this.mabuSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, "ma", false)
this.mabuSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setCompleteListener(() => {
let miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
// this.qipaoNode.scale = 0.01
// this.qipaoNode.active = true
// let label_ = this.qipaoNode.getChildByName('qipaoLab').getComponent(cc.Label)
// label_.string = ''
// cc.tween(this.qipaoNode )
// .to(0.3,{scale:1})
// .call(()=>{
// label_.string = miaoshu
// })
// .start()
let node_ = this.arrayNode[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.jiandingVideoBtn['isAun'] = false
node_.active = false
if (jiandingChishu == 1) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie1').active = true
if (jiandingChishu == 2) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie2').active = true
if (jiandingChishu == 3) {
this.node.getChildByName('suixie3').active = true
this.scheduleOnce(() => {
this.qipaoNode.active = false
}, 2)
this.curPrice = this.goodsConfig.salePrices[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.bagItemConfig.jiandingChishu = this.jiandingChishu
if (jiandingChishu == 2) {
this.maichuTiQianBtn.active = true
} else {
this.maichuTiQianBtn.active = false
if (jiandingChishu >= 3) {
let goodId = this.goodsConfig.id
let zhenPrice = this.goodsConfig.salePrices[2]
let jiaPrice = this.goodsConfig.jiahuoPrice
if (realTingProbability == 50) {
let iszhong = this.getIsZhongjiang()
for (let i = 0; i < this.arrayNode.length; i++) {
let node_ = this.arrayNode[i]
node_.active = false
if (iszhong) {
this.curPrice = zhenPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.zhenGoodId
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 1
this.yanpin.active = false
this.zhenPin.active = true
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.goodsName.string = this.goodsConfig.goodName
} else {
this.goodsName.string = "假" + this.goodsConfig.goodName
this.curPrice = jiaPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.jiaGoodId
this.yanpin.active = true
this.zhenPin.active = false
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 0
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[3]
} else {
let iszhong = this.getIsZhongjiang2(realTingProbability)
if (iszhong) {
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 1
this.curPrice = zhenPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.zhenGoodId
this.yanpin.active = false
this.zhenPin.active = true
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[jiandingChishu - 1]
this.goodsName.string = this.goodsConfig.goodName
} else {
this.goodsName.string = "假" + this.goodsConfig.goodName
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 0
this.curPrice = jiaPrice
this.resultGoodId = this.goodsConfig.jiaGoodId
this.yanpin.active = true
this.zhenPin.active = false
miaoshu = this.goodsConfig.saleTalk[3]
} else {
this.bagItemConfig.zhenjiawupin = 3
this.bagItemConfig.priceNum = this.curPrice
let aaa = Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(this.curPrice, '1')
aaa = aaa as string
this.priceLab.string = aaa
// update (dt) {}