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520 lines
12 KiB
520 lines
12 KiB
"indexStr": "DH_1",
"id": 0,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "老婆,委屈你了,先在这将就住着。",
"next": 1,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_1",
"id": 1,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "好的老公,能和你在一起就够了。",
"next": 2,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_1",
"id": 2,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "我先打扫下房子。",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_2",
"id": 3,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公,这两天可能要生了,我的大衣和包包还值点钱,去地摊卖掉换些钱吧",
"next": 4,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_2",
"id": 4,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "这怎么行?这个包还是初识我送你的礼物呢",
"next": 5,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_2",
"id": 5,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "以后有钱了再给我买嘛",
"next": 6,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_2",
"id": 6,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "老婆,一定会的,林家一切都会是你的",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_3",
"id": 7,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "肚子痛,老公,感觉要生了",
"next": 8,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_3",
"id": 8,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "忍忍,老婆,马上去医院。",
"next": 9,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_3",
"id": 9,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "来不及了,赶紧去售货机准备纱布、剪刀、药水、包被",
"next": 10,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_3",
"id": 10,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "好的,马上去弄",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_4",
"id": 11,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "老婆,你醒了,看,我们的孩子",
"next": 12,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_4",
"id": 12,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "长得真像你,我们现在这情况,就买个烟花庆生下吧",
"next": 13,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_4",
"id": 13,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "相信我,将来全世界都会为你和宝宝放烟花",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_6",
"id": 14,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公终于回来了,宝宝,宝宝不见了",
"next": 15,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_6",
"id": 15,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "怎么会不见了呢",
"next": 16,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_6",
"id": 16,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "我刚刚有点头晕,休息了一会,醒来就不见了",
"next": 17,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_6",
"id": 17,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "怎么办怎么办,老公你快想想办法呀",
"next": 18,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_6",
"id": 18,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "先别急,我们先找找",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 19,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "是林家,怎么办,他们抱走孩子想做什么?",
"next": 20,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 20,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "先冷静下,我家就算再不喜欢你,毕竟孩子是林家血脉",
"next": 21,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 21,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "就算孩子不被他们伤害,那我们一家三口就这样分离吗?",
"next": 22,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 22,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "去了也要不回来,你就努力奋斗,把属于我们的都拿回来。",
"next": 23,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 23,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "老婆,我真没用,连自己的孩子都保护不好。",
"next": 24,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_7",
"id": 24,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "你那可恶的弟弟林邪,我定会让林家大院改名顾家大院",
"isFinish": true,
"unLockJuQingIndex": "WX_8"
"indexStr": "DH_8",
"id": 25,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "老婆,我承包了村里鱼塘,好日子要来了!",
"next": 26,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_8",
"id": 26,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "上次事急,把我外套典当后,都不给我买件外套。",
"next": 27,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_8",
"id": 27,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "对不起,一心想着干事业,带老婆重归豪门,这就去小卖部多买点,任你选。",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_9",
"id": 28,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公,这些衣服,能穿吗?",
"next": 29,
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"indexStr": "DH_9",
"id": 29,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "便是便宜点,但是你穿起来肯定很漂亮",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_10",
"id": 30,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公,林氏酒馆买下来了,可我想有点自己的装修风格",
"next": 31,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_10",
"id": 31,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "那你想怎么做呢?老婆",
"next": 32,
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"indexStr": "DH_10",
"id": 32,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "你去考个证吧,自己装修一个满汉全席的宴会厅",
"next": 33,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_10",
"id": 33,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "好,我去考",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 34,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公,你事业都做这么大啦?",
"next": 35,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 35,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "为了老婆,还差最后一击,收购林氏集团,带着老婆重返林家大院",
"next": 36,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 36,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "呵呵,让我那狠心的弟弟看看,我找的老公就是厉害",
"next": 37,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 37,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "老公,我看你最近多了两块玉佩,一龙一凤",
"next": 38,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 38,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "哦是的,最近有几个人奇奇怪怪,一直引导我去找玉佩",
"next": 39,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 39,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "找到了,还准备去卖掉的,也不是什么大事,就没有跟你讲",
"next": 40,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 40,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "别卖,老公千万别卖了,或许他们说得对,这玉佩隐藏了什么秘密呢?",
"next": 41,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 41,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "行,既然老婆喜欢,就留着了。",
"next": 42,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 42,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "我想孩子了,老公早点让我回家",
"next": 43,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_11",
"id": 43,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "拿下林氏集团,不用多久了,我们一家三口快团圆了",
"isFinish": true
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 44,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "其实,你没必要救我的,以后你可能会后悔的",
"next": 45,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 45,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "我不管你到底隐瞒了什么,我们毕竟曾经是一家人",
"next": 46,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 46,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "况且,你帮我救了楚峰大哥",
"next": 47,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 47,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "木兰白虎符找到了吗?",
"next": 48,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 48,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "青龙符和白虎符找到了,还差朱雀符、玄武符、麒麟符三块",
"next": 49,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 49,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "很好很好,替我先保管着,我就待在顾家大院养病了,你回古代去吧",
"next": 50,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 50,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "替你保管?我得赶紧过去了,林氏王朝得物归原主成秦氏王朝",
"next": 51,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_13",
"id": 51,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "我开玩笑的,木兰5符是你的,你是持有者,木兰女将都会效忠你",
"isFinish": true,
"unLockJuQingIndex": "XG_QL4"
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 52,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "第三块木兰朱雀符,真被你找到啦?",
"next": 53,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 53,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "你怎么对木兰符挺上心啊?找到了,在冰封之地找到的",
"next": 54,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 54,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "你管得着我吗?你要重建秦家王朝,赶紧让所有木兰符现世吧",
"next": 55,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 55,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "林家屠戮我秦家子嗣之仇,一定会报的,林家王朝本就就是秦家王朝的",
"next": 56,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 56,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "那你快过去争夺啊,留在这顾家大院干嘛?关心我吗?",
"next": 57,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 57,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "真摸不透你,我对你还是有感情的",
"next": 58,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_14",
"id": 58,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "只要你照顾好孩子,秦家还是有你一席之地",
"isFinish": true,
"unLockJuQingIndex": "XG_QL7"
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 59,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "林珊,重建秦家王朝,太难了,木兰军团已全军覆没了",
"next": 60,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 60,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "全军覆没?(好事啊),好意外哦,我家铁骑着实也厉害",
"next": 61,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 61,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "这样吧,伤也基本养好了,这次我和你一起回到过去",
"next": 62,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 62,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "你回去能干吗?留在这里,等待孩子回来,不好吗?",
"next": 63,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 63,
"speaker": "other",
"contentDesc": "过了这么久,林家毕竟是我娘家,应该不会对我怎么样了",
"next": 64,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 64,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "行吧,正好回到林家,看下我们的孩子,现在怎么样了",
"next": 65,
"isFinish": false
"indexStr": "DH_15",
"id": 65,
"speaker": "me",
"contentDesc": "我先去找楚氏心法了,回头带你回到过去。",
"isFinish": true
] |