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* App 相关配置
export default class AppConfig {
// public static testNoAdUserId = [
// '_000dRdkpbNoeSk5B-bF8VjVw9BQlvzNQ8g9',//shaoyang
// '_000DdwyxRNYBphXmgQ-hsVQIrnAVQ2c8RsL',//高可
// '_000L7dgoaT2_ytev9nrREAHncm7SA_fxbTT',//刘丹1
// '_000tjl19dNrX5Q2imQL2hRSe9OX6wbP9vNd',//刘丹2
// ]
public static readonly GameName_custom = "";//游戏名称
//是否不使用RYSDK(自己后台) 目前只有在微信平台才能启用,其他平台不无效.
//true:强制关闭,不使用自己后台,false 使用系统默认配置
public static readonly closeUseRYSDK_custom: boolean = false;
//区分微信 qq平台,因为用的都是微信的包,0微信 2qq 需要修改
public static readonly isWX_TT_QQ_MiniGame_custom: number = 0;
public static readonly Web_APP_ID_custom = "web202403211124";//打无广随机字符串(保证每次全新)
public static readonly TT_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//抖音 app id
public static readonly WX_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//微信 app id
public static readonly QQ_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//QQ app id
public static readonly VIVO_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//vivo app id
public static readonly OPPO_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//opop app id
public static readonly APK_APP_ID_custom = "tta087d63a3fb0d77302";//Android app id
public static readonly TT_gameid_custom: number = -1;
public static readonly WX_gameid_custom: number = -1;
public static readonly QQ_gameid_custom: number = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_gameid_custom: number = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_gameid_custom: number = -1;
public static readonly APK_gameid_custom: number = -1;
//--设置各自游戏的 资源服务器地址
public static TT_ResServer_custom: string = "https://dycdn.ioe-times.com/juexingshike/url_res/";
public static WX_ResServer_custom: string = "https://dycdn.ioe-times.com/juexingshike/url_res/";//资源服务器地址
public static QQ_ResServer_custom: string = "https://dycdn.ioe-times.com/juexingshike/url_res/";//资源服务器地址
public static VIVO_ResServer_custom: string = "https://dycdn.ioe-times.com/juexingshike/url_res/";//资源服务器地址
public static OPPO_ResServer_custom: string = "https://dycdn.ioe-times.com/juexingshike/url_res/";//资源服务器地址
public static APK_ResServer_custom: string = "";//资源服务器地址
public static readonly TT_Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
public static readonly WX_Versions_custom: string = "1.0.0";
public static readonly QQ_Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
public static readonly VIVO_Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
public static readonly OPPO_Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
public static readonly APK_Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
//---------shareAd 迁移 广告id
public static readonly TT_LoopAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly TT_BannerAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly TT_InsertAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly TT_AniAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly TT_HistoryLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly TT_MoreGameLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly WX_LoopAdLocationID_custom = "048000b4006ae7d6f733ff25683a5d88";
public static readonly WX_BannerAdLocationID_custom = "97731da8c180c7327d6e4a2840257451";
public static readonly WX_InsertAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly WX_AniAdLocationID_custom = "7fcbd1316e6055e4337fd135834ab3b6";
public static readonly WX_HistoryLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly WX_MoreGameLocationID_custom = "897020c5fc9783d7a4f13310b8812246";
public static readonly QQ_LoopAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly QQ_BannerAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly QQ_InsertAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly QQ_AniAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly QQ_HistoryLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly QQ_MoreGameLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_LoopAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_BannerAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_InsertAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_AniAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_HistoryLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly VIVO_MoreGameLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_LoopAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_BannerAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_InsertAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_AniAdLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_HistoryLocationID_custom = -1;
public static readonly OPPO_MoreGameLocationID_custom = -1;
//广告 WXAPI 广告id
public static readonly adUnitId_custom = "adunit-eef36f84c44bbdc1"
public static readonly bannerAdUnitId_custom = "adunit-440e21cc02c0d282"
public static readonly InsAdUnitId_custom = "adunit-440e21cc02c0d282"
//头条 广告
public static readonly tt_adUnitId_custom = "17dif14i521c125g1i"
public static readonly tt_bannerAdUnitId_custom = "of6a5i4oi6rqecpnp4"
public static readonly tt_InsAdUnitId_custom = "115l76ck0ic52hi0a7"
public static readonly tt_templateId_custom = "" //分享素材id
public static readonly tt_adUnitIdArr_custom = ['12rlqv59kfh2k39cm2','2wale8uke4822qfstd','a809o2ar28b11jcgnf'];//头条视频列表
public static readonly qq_adUnitId_custom = "5b57820f7aff1c8c238e450d22d468e6" //激励视频Id
public static readonly qq_bannerAdUnitId_custom = "4f66f2f5b95a75f49166da22da1e85ae" //banner广告Id
public static readonly qq_InsAdUnitId_custom = "341bb8725515401c5c923294ee653a64" //插屏广告Id
public static readonly qq_AppBoxId_custom = "f10e0d49ad67e7cfab7c639e517823f8" //盒子广告Id
public static readonly qq_blockAdArray_custom = [
// //需要加载缓存的一些配置 appswitch 会提前加载
// public static needLoadConfig = [
// //{ url: "/json/appswitch.json" }
// // { url: "/json/shop.json" },
// // { url: "/json/level.json" },
// // { url: "/json/signin.json" }
// ]
//分包 放入对应的分包名字在loading加载,如果需要游戏中加载,这里将不需要配置
public static subResArray_custom = ['CommonRes','FirstSelectScene'];
//--设置各自游戏的netconfig state 0=微信,1=头条,2=支付宝,3=百度,4=QQ,5=OPPO,6=APK,7=VIVO)
public static readonly TT_state_custom: number = 1;
public static readonly WX_state_custom: number = 0;
public static readonly QQ_state_custom: number = 4;
public static readonly VIVO_state_custom: number = 7;
public static readonly OPPO_state_custom: number = 5;
public static readonly BD_state_custom: number = 3;
public static readonly APK_state_custom: number = 6;
//--AppId state gameid ResServer 会根据各个平台自动配置,这里不需要配置 不需要配置 不需要配置
public static AppID_custom: string = "";
public static state_custom = 0;//
public static gameid_custom: number = 0;
public static ResServer_custom: string = "";
public static Versions_custom: string = "0.0.0";
public static LoopAdLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static BannerAdLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static InsertAdLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static AniAdLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static HistoryLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static MoreGameLocationID_custom: number | string = -1;
public static UseRYSDK_custom: boolean = true;