import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum"; import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr"; import User from "../../../FrameWork/User/User"; import Common5 from "../../../Platform/th/Common5"; import TouZiXieYiShu from "../../GameMethodRes/TouZiXieYiShu/TouZiXieYiShu"; import JuQingManager from "../../JuQingChat/JuQingManager"; import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../../JuQingChat/TaskManager"; import JuQingQiPao from "../../JuQingGuanQia/JuQingQiPao"; import BagManager from "../../Manager/BagManager"; import UserManager from "../../Manager/UserManager"; import NewGuideScript from "../../NewGuide/NewGuideScript"; import PrefabManage, { GameType } from "../../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; import GetAward from "../../SCommon/GetAward"; import GameBaseScript from "../GameBaseScript"; import RoomBase from "../RoomBase"; import fengyin from "../SuiPian/fengyin"; import tuyin from "../SuiPian/tuyin"; import xiangyin from "../SuiPian/xiangyin"; let needIDs = [ { goodids: [3004, 3005, 3006], tiaoZhuanGameType: GameType.KuaiDiZhan, huoYuan: '盲盒站', }, { goodids: [3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3020], tiaoZhuanGameType: GameType.CiShanChouJiang, huoYuan: '慈善抽奖', }, { goodids: [3069, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073], tiaoZhuanGameType: GameType.ChoushuiFirst, huoYuan: '鱼塘', } ] const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class Room3 extends RoomBase { chatConfig = { chatConfig_1: [ // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/小辰辰,好久不见,甚是想念啊', delayTime: 4.86, str: '小辰辰,好久不见,甚是想念啊', posi: 'qipao2' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/受不了你,快说正事吧。', delayTime: 2.64, str: '受不了你,快说正事吧。', posi: '-1' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/真无趣,兔印的下落有了,找回来就有投资。', delayTime: 5.1, str: '真无趣,兔印的下落有了,找回来就有投资。', posi: 'qipao2' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/唉,兔印的下落有了,找回来就有投资!', delayTime: 3.1, str: '唉,兔印的下落有了,找回来就有投资!', posi: 'qipao2' }, ], chatConfig_2: [ { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/场地找好了,你去找钱总签合同吧,小心遇到老熟人哦。', delayTime: 5.3, str: '场地找好了,你去找钱总签合同吧,小心遇到老熟人哦。', posi: 'qipao2' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/20万?还挺合适的。', delayTime: 3, str: '20万?还挺合适的。', posi: '-1' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/去吧,那有你的老熟人,哈哈。', delayTime: 3, str: '去吧,那有你的老熟人,哈哈。', posi: 'qipao2' }, ], chatConfig_3: [ { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/我来了,这个人是谁!', delayTime: 1.65, str: '我来了,这个人是谁!', posi: '-1' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/傅少,这是我男友,叶少!', delayTime: 2.72, str: '傅少,这是我男友,叶少!', posi: 'qipao4' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/可笑!衣服吊牌都没撕,装什么大少!', delayTime: 7.4, str: '可笑!衣服吊牌都没撕,装什么大少!', posi: 'qipao3' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/怕个屁,干!', delayTime: 2, str: '不得罪', str1: "就是干", endStr: "怕个屁,干!", posi: '-1' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/贱人!垃圾!你们给我等着!', delayTime: 4.45, str: '贱人!垃圾!你们给我等着!', posi: 'qipao3' }, ], chatConfig_4: [ // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room5/还是有点醉,留下来陪我,给你追加投资。', delayTime: 3, str: '还是有点醉,留下来陪我,给你追加投资。', posi: 'qipao5' }, ], chatConfig_5: [ { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/我只能支撑你到这了。', delayTime: 2.12, str: '我只能支撑你到这了。', posi: 'qipao2' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/足够了,以后换我帮你!', delayTime: 2.85, str: '足够了,以后换我帮你!', posi: '-1' }, { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room3/行啦,快去找凤印吧。', delayTime: 2.4, str: '行啦,快去找凤印吧。', posi: 'qipao2' }, ], chatConfig_6: [ // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room5/完成钱氏改建后,以后的路就靠你自己了。', delayTime: 3, str: '完成钱氏改建后,以后的路就靠你自己了。', posi: 'qipao2' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room5/好,我不会让你失望的。', delayTime: 3, str: '好,我不会让你失望的。', posi: '-1' }, // { effectUrl: 'GameRoomRes/sound/Room5/多陪陪我,我把私房钱给你。', delayTime: 3, str: '多陪陪我,我把私房钱给你。', posi: 'qipao2' }, ], } @property(cc.Node) layerNode: cc.Node[] = []; @property(cc.Node) needLayer: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) singleItem: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.ScrollView) m_ScrollView: cc.ScrollView = null; // @property(sp.SkeletonData) // skedata_shuijiao_1: sp.SkeletonData = null; // @property(sp.SkeletonData) // skedata_taiqiu: sp.SkeletonData = null; // @property(sp.SkeletonData) // skedata_shuijiao_2: sp.SkeletonData = null; // finishTaskStep = 0 // maskGuideNode: cc.Node = null curLayerIndex: number = 0; curNeedID: number = -1; onLoad() { // this.finishTaskStep = 0 } start() { // TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_313) // let a = User.getBaDaCaiXiUnlockStatus() // a.YaoShan = true // User.setBaDaCaiXiUnlockStatus(a) GameBaseScript.preLoadRemoteAudio(this.chatConfig); super.start(); this.refreshLayer() this.refreshNeedLayer() EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.refreshNeedLayer, () => { this.refreshNeedLayer() }, this) EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ZhuiJiaTouZi, () => { // PrefabManage.showBlackGuoDu(() => { // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.CityPrefab) // this.node.destroy() // }) }, this) } refreshNeedLayer() { let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_303) { this.curNeedID = 0 } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) {// && BagManager.getBagGoodNums(3007) <= 0 this.curNeedID = 0 } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504) { this.curNeedID = 1 } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_505 && BagManager.getBagGoodNums(3021) <= 0) { this.curNeedID = 1 } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1308 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309) { this.curNeedID = 2 } if (this.curNeedID >= 0) { = true this.needLayer.getChildByName("huanYuanNode").getChildByName("huoYuan").getComponent(cc.Label).string = needIDs[this.curNeedID].huoYuan this.initItemContent() if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_303) { let node = this.needLayer.getChildByName("huanYuanNode"); this.guideView([node]); } } else { = false } } // 刷新场景 refreshLayer() { for (const node of this.layerNode) { = false; } let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_302) { this.curLayerIndex = 0 this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); this.node.getChildByName("nameplate_1").active = true } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_314) { this.curLayerIndex = 2 this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); this.node.getChildByName("nameplate_2").active = true } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1307) { this.curLayerIndex = 4 this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1310) { this.curLayerIndex = 4 this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); } else if (mainId >= MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_505 && mainId < MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_805) { this.curLayerIndex = 3 } else { } this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; //Common5.playMusicCustom('GameRes', 'GameStory10/sound/背景bgm'); } // 继续剧情 continueStory0() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人站立") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_301 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_303) { // this.onDoTask201() return } const dialogEvents = [ // (func) => { // this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_1[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) // }); // }, // (func) => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) // let node = this.node.getChildByName("对话框"); // this.guideView([node]); // this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_1[this.dialogIndex++], func); // }, (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_1[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) }); }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) func() }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_302) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_303) this.refreshNeedLayer() // this.onDoTask201() // EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.EnterNextGame); // this.node.destroy() } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } // 继续剧情 continueStory1() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人站立") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) // let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() // let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id // if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_301 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_303) { // // this.onDoTask201() // return // } console.log("continueStory1-----------") const dialogEvents = [ (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_2[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) }); }, // (func) => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) // this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_2[this.dialogIndex++], func); // }, // (func) => { // this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_2[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) // }); // }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) func() }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { // TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) // this.scheduleOnce(() => { // TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_305) // }) // User.setRoomBtnIndex(3) // this.curNeedID = -1 // this.refreshNeedLayer() // this.onDoTask201() // EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.EnterNextGame); // this.node.destroy() } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } // 继续剧情 continueStory2() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派抓投资人", true) let nanzhu = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("男主") let nanzhuSpine = nanzhu.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主进场", false) let fanpai = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("反派") = false let fanpaiSpine = fanpai.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) // fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "入场", false) const dialogEvents = [ (func) => { this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_3[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主说话", true) }); }, (func) => { nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主待机", true) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "投资人挣脱", false) touzirenSpine.setCompleteListener(() => { touzirenSpine.setCompleteListener(null) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "投资人待机", true) = true fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派待机", true) func() }) }, (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_3[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "投资人说话", true) }); }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "投资人待机", true) = false this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_3[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派泼酒", false) Common5.playRemoteAudioEffect("action_effect/泼酒"); fanpaiSpine.setCompleteListener(() => { fanpaiSpine.setCompleteListener(null) fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派待机说话", true) = true nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主有污渍待机", true) }) }); }, (func) => { fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派待机", true) this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_3[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主说话", true) }); }, (func) => { = false nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主打人", false) Common5.playRemoteAudioEffect("action_effect/扇踢"); nanzhuSpine.setCompleteListener(() => { nanzhuSpine.setCompleteListener(null) nanzhuSpine.setAnimation(0, "男主有污渍待机", true) = true fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派被打待机", true) func() }) }, (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_3[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派被打说话", true) }); }, (func) => { fanpaiSpine.setAnimation(0, "反派离开", false) func() }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_314) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_401) // this.onDoTask201() // EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.EnterNextGame); // this.node.destroy() } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } // 继续剧情 continueStory3() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "扶男主待机", true) const dialogEvents = [ // (func) => { // this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_4[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "扶男主不笑说话", true) // }); // }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "扶男主待机", true) func() }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504) this.scheduleOnce(() => { TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_505) }) this.curNeedID = -1 this.refreshNeedLayer() // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.CityPrefab) // this.node.destroy() // this.onDoTask201() // EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.EnterNextGame); // this.node.destroy() } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } // 继续剧情 continueStory4() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人站立") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1310) { // this.onDoTask201() return } const dialogEvents = [ (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_5[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) }); }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_5[this.dialogIndex++], func); }, (func) => { this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_5[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) }); }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1307) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1308) this.refreshNeedLayer() } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } // 继续剧情 continueStory5() { let touziren = this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("投资人站立") let touzirenSpine = touziren.getComponent(sp.Skeleton) touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id const dialogEvents = [ // (func) => { // this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_6[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) // }); // }, // (func) => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) // this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_6[this.dialogIndex++], func); // }, // (func) => { // this.showQiPao(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_6[this.dialogIndex++], func, () => { // touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "说话", true) // }); // }, (func) => { touzirenSpine.setAnimation(0, "待机", true) func() }, ] const dialogCallFunc = (logEvents: any[]) => { logEvents.shift()(() => { if (logEvents.length > 0) { dialogCallFunc(logEvents); } else { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1310, false) Common5.playRemoteAudioEffect("ZhuiJiaTouZi/多陪陪我,我把私房钱给你。"); this.scheduleOnce(() => { TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1310) }, 3) } }); } dialogCallFunc(dialogEvents); } initItemContent() { this.m_ScrollView.content.removeAllChildren() let isAllFind = true let propIdArr = needIDs[this.curNeedID].goodids this.needLayer.getChildByName("huanYuanNode").getChildByName("huoYuan").getComponent(cc.Label).string = needIDs[this.curNeedID].huoYuan for (let i = 0; i < propIdArr.length; i++) { let item = cc.instantiate(this.singleItem) = true item.parent = this.m_ScrollView.content let spFrame_hui = item.getChildByName('spFrame_hui') let spFrame_liang = item.getChildByName('spFrame_liang') Common5.setRemoteSpriteFrame(spFrame_hui.getComponent(cc.Sprite), 'GoodIcon/' + propIdArr[i]) Common5.setRemoteSpriteFrame(spFrame_liang.getComponent(cc.Sprite), 'GoodIcon/' + propIdArr[i]) let _pro = BagManager.getGoodsProperty(propIdArr[i]) item.getChildByName('nameStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = _pro.goodName if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(propIdArr[i]) > 0) { = true = false } else { isAllFind = false = false = true } } if (isAllFind) { this.needLayer.getChildByName("按钮").active = true this.needLayer.getChildByName("huanYuanNode").active = false let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) { let node = this.needLayer.getChildByName("按钮"); node.getComponent(cc.Widget).updateAlignment() this.guideView([node]); } } } onTouchSubmit() { //碎片合并 let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id let goodArray = [] if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) {//兔印 goodArray = [{ goodId: 3007, goodNum: 1 }] } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504) {//象印 goodArray = [{ goodId: 3021, goodNum: 1 }] } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309) {//凤印 goodArray = [{ goodId: 3074, goodNum: 1 }] } = false if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) { //播放合成动画 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.tuyin, this.node, (node) => { node.getComponent(tuyin).run(this.m_ScrollView.content.children, () => { this.scheduleOnce(() => { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent('GetAward').initView(goodArray, () => { //播放完再显示投资协议书 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { let money = 500000 prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏药膳", money, () => { UserManager.addMoney(money) PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) this.curLayerIndex = 1 this.dialogIndex = 0 for (const layer of this.layerNode) { = false } this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) this.scheduleOnce(() => { TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_305) }) User.setRoomBtnIndex(3) this.curNeedID = -1 this.refreshNeedLayer() }) }) }); }) }, 1) }) }) } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504) { //播放合成动画 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.xiangyin, this.node, (node) => { node.getComponent(xiangyin).run(this.m_ScrollView.content.children, () => { this.scheduleOnce(() => { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent('GetAward').initView(goodArray, () => { //播放完再显示投资协议书 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { let money = 700000 prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏食品厂", money, () => { UserManager.addMoney(money) PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) this.curLayerIndex = 3 this.dialogIndex = 0 for (const layer of this.layerNode) { = false } this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); }) }) }); }) }, 1) }) }) } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309) { //播放合成动画 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.fengyin, this.node, (node) => { node.getComponent(fengyin).run(this.m_ScrollView.content.children, () => { this.scheduleOnce(() => { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent('GetAward').initView(goodArray, () => { //播放完再显示投资协议书 PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { let money = 60000000 prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏电子", money, () => { UserManager.addMoney(money) PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) this.curLayerIndex = 5 this.dialogIndex = 0 for (const layer of this.layerNode) { = false } this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); }) }) }); }) }, 1) }) }) } // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { // prefabNode.getComponent('GetAward').initView(goodArray, () => { // if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304) { // //播放合成动画 // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.tuyin, null, (node) => { // node.getComponent(tuyin).run(this.m_ScrollView.content.children, () => { // //播放完再显示投资协议书 // = false // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { // let money = 500000 // prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏药膳", money, () => { // UserManager.addMoney(money) // PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) // this.curLayerIndex = 1 // this.dialogIndex = 0 // for (const layer of this.layerNode) { // = false // } // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; // this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); // }) // }) // }) // }) // } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504) { // //播放合成动画 // //播放完再显示投资协议书 // = false // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { // let money = 500000 // prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏食品厂", money, () => { // UserManager.addMoney(money) // PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) // this.curLayerIndex = 3 // this.dialogIndex = 0 // for (const layer of this.layerNode) { // = false // } // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; // this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); // }) // }) // } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309) { // //播放合成动画 // //播放完再显示投资协议书 // = false // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TouZiXieYiShu, null, (prefab) => { // let money = 500000 // prefab.getComponent(TouZiXieYiShu).initView("叶氏电子", money, () => { // UserManager.addMoney(money) // PrefabManage.showTextTips(`恭喜获得投资${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1')}`) // this.curLayerIndex = 5 // this.dialogIndex = 0 // for (const layer of this.layerNode) { // = false // } // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].active = true; // this["continueStory" + this.curLayerIndex](); // }) // }) // } // }); // }) } onBtnHuoYuanTiaoZhuan() { // this.node.removeFromParent() // this.node.destroy() PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(needIDs[this.curNeedID].tiaoZhuanGameType) } // onDoTask201() { // this.dialogIndex = 0 // //查看爷爷的信 // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("信封").active = true // } // onTouchXinFeng() { // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("信封").active = false // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("信").active = true // } // onTouchXin() { // this.layerNode[this.curLayerIndex].getChildByName("信").active = false // this.showClickDialog(this.chatConfig.chatConfig_201[this.dialogIndex++], () => { // TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_202) // }); // } onTouchChuMen() { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.CityPrefab) this.node.removeFromParent() this.node.destroy() } // getSpine() { // let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() // let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id // if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_304 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_305) { // return this.skedata_shuijiao_1 // } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_504 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_505) { // return this.skedata_taiqiu // } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1309 || mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1310) { // return this.skedata_shuijiao_2 // } // } guideView(nodeArray) { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GuideMskNode, this.node, (prefab) => { let guideNodeArray = nodeArray let firstNode = guideNodeArray.shift() prefab.getComponent(NewGuideScript).setBindNode(firstNode, guideNodeArray) }) } }