import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum"; import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr"; import GameReport from "../../../FrameWork/Report/ZyZyReport"; import User from "../../../FrameWork/User/User"; import AppPlatform from "../../../FrameWork/Util/AppPlatform"; import Common5 from "../../../Platform/th/Common5"; import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../../JuQingChat/TaskManager"; import BagManager from "../../Manager/BagManager"; import UserManager from "../../Manager/UserManager"; import NewGuideScript from "../../NewGuide/NewGuideScript"; import PrefabManage, { GameType } from "../../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; import GameBase from "../../SCommon/GameBase"; import GetAward from "../../SCommon/GetAward"; import ZhongCanTingManager from "../ZhongCanTing/ZhongCanTingManager"; const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class ZhiShuZaoLin extends GameBase { @property(cc.Node) dripPrefab: cc.Node = null; // 水滴预制体 @property(cc.Node) dripLayer: cc.Node = null; // 水滴层 @property(cc.Node) gameSettleView: cc.Node = null; // 游戏结算 @property(cc.Node) backLayer: cc.Node = null; // 返回按钮层 @property(cc.Node) cloudNode: cc.Node = null; // 云 @property(cc.Node) saplingNode: cc.Node = null; // 树苗 @property(cc.ProgressBar) treeProgress: cc.ProgressBar = null; @property(cc.Label) nextShouYi: cc.Label = null; // @property(cc.Label) // curIncomeLab: cc.Label = null; // @property(cc.Label) // endIncomeLab: cc.Label = null; @property([cc.Node]) rockLeftArr: cc.Node[] = []; @property([cc.Node]) rockRightArr: cc.Node[] = []; TreeNeedDripArray = [5, 10, 20, 15, 20, 40, 20, 40, 60, 30, 50, 90, 55, 85, 110, 75, 100, 130, 95, 125, 150, 125, 165, 200]; // 树需要的水滴数量 LevelUnlocktaskIdArray = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; // 关卡解锁任务id数组 DripMoveSpeed = 1600; // 水滴运动速度 HaveGoodsLevelArray = [2, 3]; // 拥有的道具等级数组 HaveGoodsIdArray = [3095, 3605]; // 拥有的道具id数组 maskGuideNode: cc.Node = null; // 遮罩层 dripArray: cc.Node[] = []; // 水滴数组 dripPool: cc.NodePool = null; // 水滴池 treeLevel: number = 0; // 植树关卡 dripNumber: number = 0; // 水滴数量 goodsIndex: number = 0; // 道具索引 isStopAll: boolean = false; // 是否停止所有 isStopRockMove: boolean = false; // 是否停止岩石运动 canCreateDrip: boolean = true; //是否能够生成水滴 rockIsMoveToRigthArr: boolean[] = [true, true, true]; // 岩石是否向右运动 rockSpeedArr: number[] = [250, 200, 230]; // 岩石运动速度 onLoad() { super.onLoad(); } onDestroy(): void { if (cc.isValid(this.maskGuideNode)) { this.maskGuideNode.removeFromParent(); this.maskGuideNode.destroy(); } super.onDestroy(); EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.RefreshJuQingDuiHua); } protected start(): void { this.dripNumber = 0; this.isStopAll = false; this.isStopRockMove = false; = false; this.dripPool = new cc.NodePool(); this.refreshLevelDataView(); EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.NormalTouchEndCheck, (data_) => { this.normalClickCallback(data_.targetNode); }, this); let spine = this.saplingNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton); spine.setCompleteListener(() => { if (spine.animation == '抖动') { spine.setAnimation(0, '静止', true); } }); } protected update(dt: number): void { if (this.isStopAll) { return; } if (dt > 0.5) { dt = 1 / 60; } this.updataRockMove(dt); this.updataDripMove(dt); } // 刷新关卡数据ui refreshLevelDataView() { this.treeLevel = User.getTreeLevel(); let levelNode = this.node.getChildByName('牌子').getChildByName('lab'); let goodsNode = this.node.getChildByName('GetPropView').getChildByName('lab'); this.goodsIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this.HaveGoodsLevelArray.length; i++) { const level = this.HaveGoodsLevelArray[i]; if (this.treeLevel <= level) { this.goodsIndex = i; break; } } if (this.treeLevel > this.TreeNeedDripArray.length) { this.treeLevel = this.TreeNeedDripArray.length; } levelNode.getComponent(cc.Label).string = `${this.treeLevel}`; if (this.goodsIndex == -1) { goodsNode.getComponent(cc.Label).string = `你已经领取完所有道具!`; } else { let goods = BagManager.getGoodsProperty(this.HaveGoodsIdArray[this.goodsIndex]); goodsNode.getComponent(cc.Label).string = `种到第${this.HaveGoodsLevelArray[this.goodsIndex]}颗树可获得《${goods.goodName}》`; } // let curIncome = Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(ZhongCanTingManager.getPerSecondShouYi(), '2'); // let endIncome = Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(ZhongCanTingManager.getPerSecondShouYi(1), '2'); // this.curIncomeLab.string = `${curIncome}/秒`; // this.endIncomeLab.string = `${endIncome}/秒`; let curShouYi = ZhongCanTingManager.getPerSecondShouYi() let tiShengShouYi = ZhongCanTingManager.getPerSecondShouYi(1) let str = `过关后每秒收益: ${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(curShouYi, '1', 1)}/秒 → ${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(tiShengShouYi, '1', 1)}/秒` this.nextShouYi.string = str this.updateDripNumberView(); this.updataRockState(); this.checkGameUnlock(); } // 刷新水滴数量ui updateDripNumberView() { const DripNumberMax = this.TreeNeedDripArray[this.treeLevel - 1]; let lab = this.node.getChildByName('DripNumberView').getChildByName('lab'); lab.getComponent(cc.Label).string = `${this.dripNumber}/${DripNumberMax}`; this.treeProgress.progress = this.dripNumber / DripNumberMax; } // 刷新岩石状态 updataRockState() { for (let i = 0; i < this.rockLeftArr.length; i++) { let checkRockLeft = this.rockLeftArr[i].getChildByName("石头"); let checkRockRight = this.rockRightArr[i].getChildByName("石头"); checkRockLeft.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '干', true); checkRockRight.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '干', true); } } // 游戏解锁判定 checkGameUnlock() { = false; let taskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(); console.log(`taskId:${taskInfo.Id}, levelUnlocktaskId:${this.LevelUnlocktaskIdArray[this.treeLevel - 1]}`); if (this.LevelUnlocktaskIdArray[this.treeLevel - 1] > taskInfo.Id) { = true; this.backLayer.getChildByName('标题').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `暂未解锁\n需继续游玩剧情解锁!`; } } // 点击回调事件 normalClickCallback(targetNode: cc.Node) { if ( == 'bg') { if (this.canCreateDrip && !this.isStopAll) { this.canCreateDrip = false; let drip = this.dripPool.get(); if (drip == null) { drip = cc.instantiate(this.dripPrefab); } this.dripLayer.addChild(drip); this.dripArray.push(drip); drip.setPosition(0, 350); = true; this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.canCreateDrip = true; }, 0); this.cloudNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '云', false); } } //console.log(`this.foodPool:${this.foodPool.size()}`); } // 岩石运动 updataRockMove(dt: number = 1 / 60) { if (!this.isStopRockMove) { //地刺运动 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (this.rockIsMoveToRigthArr[i]) { this.rockLeftArr[i].x += dt * this.rockSpeedArr[i] this.rockRightArr[i].x -= dt * this.rockSpeedArr[i] if (this.rockLeftArr[i].x >= -280) { this.rockSpeedArr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 400 + 100) this.rockIsMoveToRigthArr[i] = false } } else { this.rockLeftArr[i].x -= dt * this.rockSpeedArr[i] this.rockRightArr[i].x += dt * this.rockSpeedArr[i] if (this.rockLeftArr[i].x <= -700) { this.rockSpeedArr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 400 + 100) this.rockIsMoveToRigthArr[i] = true } } } } } // 水滴碰撞和移动 updataDripMove(dt: number = 1 / 60) { for (const drip of this.dripArray) { drip.y -= dt * this.DripMoveSpeed; if (drip.y <= -550) { let index = this.dripArray.indexOf(drip); this.dripArray.splice(index, 1); this.dripPool.put(drip); this.dripNumber++; this.updateDripNumberView(); this.saplingNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '抖动', false); const DripNumberMax = this.TreeNeedDripArray[this.treeLevel - 1]; if (this.dripNumber >= DripNumberMax) { this.isStopAll = true; this.node.getChildByName('大树').active = true; this.node.getChildByName('树苗').active = false; this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.gameSuccess(); }, 0.5) } } else { for (let index = 0; index < this.rockLeftArr.length; index++) { if (Common5.checkIntersectsBox(drip, this.rockLeftArr[index].getChildByName("langArea"))) { this.isStopAll = true; let checkRockLeft = this.rockLeftArr[index].getChildByName("石头"); let checkRockRight = this.rockRightArr[index].getChildByName("石头"); checkRockLeft.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '浸湿', false); checkRockRight.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '浸湿', false); this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.dripPool.put(drip); }, 0.1); this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.gameFail(); }, 1); } } } } } // 游戏成功 gameSuccess() { = true; this.gameSettleView.getChildByName('fail').active = false; this.gameSettleView.getChildByName('success').active = true; let treeLevel = User.getTreeLevel(); if (this.treeLevel <= this.TreeNeedDripArray.length) { if (treeLevel == this.HaveGoodsLevelArray[this.goodsIndex]) { let goodArray = [{ goodId: this.HaveGoodsIdArray[this.goodsIndex], goodNum: 1 }]; PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(GetAward).initView(goodArray, () => { UserManager.addProperTiLi(1); User.setTreeLevel(treeLevel + 1); let taskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(); if (taskInfo.Id == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1504) { for (const goodId of [3095, 3605]) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1504); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1505); } }); }); } else { UserManager.addProperTiLi(1); User.setTreeLevel(treeLevel + 1); } } } // 游戏失败 gameFail() { = true; this.gameSettleView.getChildByName('fail').active = true; this.gameSettleView.getChildByName('success').active = false; } // 引导 guideView(nodeArray) { if (this.maskGuideNode == null) { PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GuideMskNode, this.node, (prefab) => { let guideNodeArray = nodeArray this.maskGuideNode = prefab let firstNode = guideNodeArray.shift() prefab.getComponent(NewGuideScript).setBindNode(firstNode, guideNodeArray) }) } else { = true let guideNodeArray = nodeArray let firstNode = guideNodeArray.shift() this.maskGuideNode.getComponent(NewGuideScript).setBindNode(firstNode, guideNodeArray) } } //再种一棵 onAgain() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); for (const drip of this.dripArray) { this.dripPool.put(drip); } this.dripArray = []; this.dripNumber = 0; this.refreshLevelDataView(); = false; cc.tween(this.node.getChildByName('大树')) .to(0.5, { x: 500 }) .call(() => { this.saplingNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, '静止', true); = true; this.isStopAll = false; }) .set({ active: false, x: 0 }) .start(); } //返回 onBack() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); this.node.removeFromParent(); this.node.destroy(); EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ExitBtnEvent, ''); } //重新开始 onRestart() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); for (const drip of this.dripArray) { this.dripPool.put(drip); } this.dripArray = []; this.dripNumber = 0; this.refreshLevelDataView(); this.isStopAll = false; = false; } //复活继续 onContinue() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); let tab = { onClose: (finish) => { if (finish) { Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", '植树造林-AD-复活继续'); this.reportKey(() => { GameReport.ADReport('植树造林复活继续', 1); }) for (const drip of this.dripArray) { this.dripPool.put(drip); } this.dripArray = []; this.isStopAll = false; = false; this.updataRockState(); } else { this.reportKey(() => { GameReport.ADReport('植树造林复活继续', 0); }) Common5.showTips_custom("广告未观看完"); } }, onFailed: () => { } } AppPlatform.playVideo_custom(tab); } }