import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum"; import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr"; import GameReport from "../../../FrameWork/Report/ZyZyReport"; import User from "../../../FrameWork/User/User"; import AppPlatform from "../../../FrameWork/Util/AppPlatform"; import { DateUtils } from "../../../FrameWork/Util/DateUtils"; import Common5 from "../../../Platform/th/Common5"; import TaskManager from "../../JuQingChat/TaskManager"; import PrefabManage, { GameType } from "../../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; import GameBase from "../../SCommon/GameBase"; import GetAward from "../../SCommon/GetAward"; import { HookClawState, hjyfManager } from "./HuangJinYuFuManager"; const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class HuangJinYuFu extends GameBase { @property(cc.Node) hookRodNode: cc.Node = null; //钩杆节点 @property(cc.Node) hookClawCheckNode: cc.Node = null; //钩爪节点 @property(cc.Node) ordHookClawIcon: cc.Node = null; //普通钩爪 @property(cc.Node) golHookClawIcon: cc.Node = null; //黄金钩爪 @property(cc.Node) fishsNode: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) fishsNode2: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) fishsNode3: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) wallsNode: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) zhaoMuNode: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) yuWangSpine: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) yuWangFinishNode: cc.Node = null; hookClawState: HookClawState = null; //钩爪状态 hookClawEvent: any = null; //钩爪事件 hookClawType: number = 0; //钩爪类型 roateSpeed: number = 60; //钩爪旋转速度 hookClawSpeed: number = 600; //钩爪拉拽速度 roateAngle: number = 50; //钩爪旋转角度 hookClawRecoverySpeed = 500; //钩爪回收速度 hookRodInitHeight: number = 0; //钩爪初始高度 fishMoveRange: cc.Rect = null; //鱼移动范围 checkNodeList: cc.Node[] = []; //碰撞节点列表 fishTypeNodeMap: {} = {}; //鱼类型节点映射表 curFishNode: cc.Node = null; //当前鱼节点 curFishInfo: any = null; //当前鱼信息 escapePoint: number = 0; //逃跑点 isPlaying = false; //是否正在游玩 _dt: number = 0 gameStop = false onLoad() { super.onLoad() } onDestroy() { Common5.playMusic("sound/背景音"); super.onDestroy(); } start() { //Common5.playMusic("sound/冰雪世界"); this.initData(); this.initComponent(); // this.refreshZhaoMuTime() // this.showShouYiNode() // EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.refreshZhaoMuTimes, () => { // this.showShouYiNode() // this.refreshZhaoMuTime() // }, this) let times = User.getHuangjinGouTime() if (times > 0) { this.hookClawType = 1; = false; = true; this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓').active = false this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓2').active = true this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓2').getChildByName('lab').getComponent(cc.Label).string = DateUtils.formatTime3_custom(times) } else { this.hookClawType = 0; = true; = false; this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓2').active = false this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓').active = true } this.showHjTime() EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_Video_Finish_custom, () => { this.gameStop = false }, this) EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ryw_Video_Start, () => { this.gameStop = true }, this) this.schedule(() => { let dt = 0.016 if (this.gameStop) { return } this._dt += dt if (this._dt >= 1.0) { this._dt = 0 //this.refreshZhaoMuTime() this.showHjTime() } if (this.hookClawEvent[this.hookClawState]) { this.hookClawEvent[this.hookClawState](dt); } this.fishAnimation(dt); }, 0.016) } showHjTime() { let times = User.getHuangjinGouTime() if (times > 0) { this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓2').getChildByName('lab').getComponent(cc.Label).string = DateUtils.formatTime3_custom(times); } else { this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓2').active = false this.node.getChildByName('金钩抓').active = true } } //初始化数据 initData() { this.hookClawType = 0; this.hookClawEvent = {}; this.hookClawEvent[HookClawState.START] = this.hookClawRotate.bind(this); this.hookClawEvent[HookClawState.LAUNCH] = this.hookClawlaunch.bind(this); this.hookClawEvent[HookClawState.RECOVERY] = this.hookClawRecovery.bind(this); this.hookClawState = HookClawState.START; this.hookRodInitHeight = this.hookRodNode.height; this.fishMoveRange = new cc.Rect(-this.fishsNode2.width / 2 - 100, -this.fishsNode2.height / 2, this.fishsNode2.width + 200, this.fishsNode2.height); } //初始化组件 initComponent() { for (const iterator of this.wallsNode.children) { iterator['checkType'] = 'wall'; this.checkNodeList.push(iterator); } this.fishTypeNodeMap = {}; this.fishsNode.children.forEach((value) => { value['checkType'] = 'fish'; this.fishTypeNodeMap[] = value; }); this.showFishList(); } //展示鱼列表 public showFishList() { let fishSizeMap: Map = new Map(); for (const key in this.fishTypeNodeMap) { if (, key)) { fishSizeMap.set(key, this.fishTypeNodeMap[key].getContentSize()); } } let fishDataList = hjyfManager.getFishDataList(fishSizeMap, this.fishsNode2.getContentSize()); for (const iterator of fishDataList) { let fishInfo = hjyfManager.getFishInfoByGoodId(iterator.goodId); let fish = cc.instantiate(this.fishTypeNodeMap[fishInfo.goodName]); if (fishInfo.isRenWuGood) { Common5.setRemoteSpriteFrame(fish.getChildByName("icon").getComponent(cc.Sprite), 'GoodIcon/' + fishInfo.goodId) } = true; fish.setPosition(iterator.posX, iterator.posY); fish['goodId'] = iterator.goodId; fish['fishData'] = iterator; fish['checkType'] = 'fish'; fish['moveType'] = fishInfo.moveType; fish['moveSpeed'] = fishInfo.moveSpeed; if (fishInfo.moveType) { fish['moveState'] = true; if (fishInfo.moveType == 2) { fish['moveSpeVec'] = new cc.Vec2(0, 0); fish['moveSpeVec'].x = (Math.random() + 1) / 2; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { fish['moveSpeVec'].y = - (Math.random() + 1) / 2; } else { fish['moveSpeVec'].y = (Math.random() + 1) / 2; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { fish.scaleX = -Math.abs(fish.scaleX); } } this.fishsNode3.addChild(fish); } else { this.fishsNode2.addChild(fish); } this.checkNodeList.push(fish); } } update(dt) { } //钩爪旋转 hookClawRotate(deltaTime: number) { this.hookRodNode.angle += this.roateSpeed * deltaTime; if (this.hookRodNode.angle >= this.roateAngle) { this.roateSpeed = -Math.abs(this.roateSpeed); } else if (this.hookRodNode.angle <= -this.roateAngle) { this.roateSpeed = Math.abs(this.roateSpeed); } } //钩爪发射 hookClawlaunch(deltaTime: number) { this.hookRodNode.height += this.hookClawSpeed * deltaTime; //检测碰撞 let checkNode: cc.Node = null; for (const iterator of this.checkNodeList) { if (Common5.checkIntersectsBox(this.hookClawCheckNode, iterator)) { checkNode = iterator; break; } } //碰撞判定 if (checkNode) { if (checkNode['checkType'] === 'wall') { this.hookClawRecoverySpeed = this.hookClawSpeed; this.hookClawState = HookClawState.RECOVERY; } else if (checkNode['checkType'] === 'fish') { this.curFishNode = checkNode; this.curFishInfo = hjyfManager.getFishInfoByGoodId(checkNode['goodId']); this.curFishInfo.fishData = checkNode['fishData']; this.hookClawRecoverySpeed = this.hookClawSpeed * this.curFishInfo.recoverySpeed; let fishSpine = this.curFishNode.getChildByName('海鲜') if (fishSpine && fishSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton)) { fishSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, + "挣扎", true); } if (this.hookClawType == 0) { let random = Math.random(); if (random >= this.curFishInfo.catchPbl) { console.log('钩子没有钩住:' + random + ">" + this.curFishInfo.catchPbl); this.escapePoint = this.hookRodNode.height - this.hookRodInitHeight; this.escapePoint = this.escapePoint * Math.random() + this.hookRodInitHeight; } } this.curFishNode['prePos'] = this.curFishNode.position; this.curFishNode.parent = this.hookClawCheckNode; this.curFishNode.setPosition(cc.v2(0, -40)); this.curFishNode['moveState'] = false; this.hookClawState = HookClawState.RECOVERY; } } } //钩爪回收 hookClawRecovery(deltaTime: number) { this.hookRodNode.height -= this.hookClawRecoverySpeed * deltaTime; if (this.escapePoint && this.hookRodNode.height <= this.escapePoint) { this.fishEscape(); } if (this.hookRodNode.height <= this.hookRodInitHeight) { this.hookRodNode.height = this.hookRodInitHeight; this.hookClawState = HookClawState.START; if (this.hookClawCheckNode.childrenCount > 0) { //展示钓鱼成功 this.fishingSuccess(); } else { this.isPlaying = false; } } } //鱼动画 fishAnimation(deltaTime: number) { for (const iterator of this.checkNodeList) { if (iterator['moveState']) { if (iterator['moveType'] == 1) { if (iterator.scaleX > 0) { iterator.x -= iterator['moveSpeed'] * deltaTime; } else { iterator.x += iterator['moveSpeed'] * deltaTime; } if (iterator.x >= this.fishMoveRange.xMax) { iterator.scaleX = Math.abs(iterator.scaleX); } else if (iterator.x <= this.fishMoveRange.xMin) { iterator.scaleX = -Math.abs(iterator.scaleX); } } else if (iterator['moveType'] == 2) { iterator.x += iterator['moveSpeVec'].x * deltaTime * iterator['moveSpeed']; iterator.y += iterator['moveSpeVec'].y * deltaTime * iterator['moveSpeed']; if (iterator.x >= this.fishMoveRange.xMax) { iterator['moveSpeVec'].x = -(Math.random() + 1) / 2; } else if (iterator.x <= this.fishMoveRange.xMin) { iterator['moveSpeVec'].x = (Math.random() + 1) / 2; } if (iterator.y >= this.fishMoveRange.yMax) { iterator['moveSpeVec'].y = -(Math.random() + 1) / 2; } else if (iterator.y <= this.fishMoveRange.yMin) { iterator['moveSpeVec'].y = (Math.random() + 1) / 2; } } } } } //鱼逃脱 fishEscape() { let fishSpine = this.curFishNode.getChildByName('海鲜') if (fishSpine && fishSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton)) { fishSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0,, true); } let pos = this.fishsNode2.convertToNodeSpaceAR(this.curFishNode.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(0, 0))); let parentNode = this.curFishNode['moveType'] ? this.fishsNode3 : this.fishsNode2; this.hookClawCheckNode.removeChild(this.curFishNode); const node = this.curFishNode; cc.tween(this.curFishNode) .set({ parent: parentNode, position: cc.v3(pos.x, pos.y) }) .to(0.5, { position: this.curFishNode['prePos'] }) .call(() => { node['moveState'] = true; }) .start(); this.hookClawRecoverySpeed = this.hookClawSpeed; this.curFishInfo = null; this.curFishNode = null; this.escapePoint = 0; } //钓鱼成功 public fishingSuccess() { //把鱼从碰撞列表中移除 if (this.checkNodeList.indexOf(this.curFishNode) != -1) { this.checkNodeList.splice(this.checkNodeList.indexOf(this.curFishNode), 1); } //移除鱼节点 this.hookClawCheckNode.removeChild(this.curFishNode); this.curFishNode.destroy(); this.curFishNode = null; //展示奖励 let goodArray = [{ goodId: this.curFishInfo.goodId, goodNum: 1 }] PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(GetAward).initView(goodArray, () => { //删除鱼数据 this.deleteFish(); this.isPlaying = false; }); }) } //删除鱼 deleteFish() { hjyfManager.deleteFishData(this.curFishInfo.fishData); this.curFishInfo = null; //展示结束页面 if (hjyfManager.getFishDataListLength() <= 0) { this.showFishList(); } //检查任务是否完成 hjyfManager.checkFinishTask(); // let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() // let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id // if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_524) { // let isAllGoods = BagManager.isHaveAllGood([4021, 4022, 4023, 4024]) // if (isAllGoods) { // TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_524) // } // } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_533) { // let isAllGoods = BagManager.isHaveAllGood([4017, 4018, 4019, 4020]) // if (isAllGoods) { // TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_533) // TaskManager.setCurTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_534) // } // InterfaceManager.taskTipBox([4017, 4018, 4019, 4020], '立即前往【海洋馆】将鱼类放养进去!', () => { // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.ZhanLanGuan) // if (cc.isValid(this.node, true)) { // this.node.removeFromParent() // this.node.destroy() // } // }) // } } //点击发射钩子 onLaunchClick() { if (this.hookClawState == HookClawState.START) { this.hookClawState = HookClawState.LAUNCH; this.isPlaying = true; } } //切换金钩抓 onGoldHookClawClick(event) { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击") if (!this.isPlaying) { this.gameStop = true let target =; = false; let tab = { onClose: (finish) => { if (finish) { let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", `任务${mainId}-AD-寻宝船一网打尽`); this.isPlaying = true = true this.yuWangSpine.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, 'animation', false) cc.tween(this.yuWangSpine) .delay(1) .call(() => { for (const iterator of this.checkNodeList) { if (iterator['checkType'] === 'fish') { let localPos = Common5.getNodeToTargetPos(iterator, this.yuWangFinishNode) cc.tween(iterator) .to(2, { position: localPos }) .call(() => { iterator.removeFromParent() //把鱼从碰撞列表中移除 if (this.checkNodeList.indexOf(iterator) != -1) { this.checkNodeList.splice(this.checkNodeList.indexOf(iterator), 1); } }) .start() } } }) .delay(2) .call(() => { this.onHuntAllFish() = false }) .start() } else { this.gameStop = false = true; this.reportKey(() => { GameReport.ADReport('黄金渔夫金钩抓', 0) }) Common5.showTips_custom("广告未观看完"); } }, onFailed: () => { } } AppPlatform.playVideo_custom(tab); } } onHuntAllFish() { //展示奖励 let goodArray = [] for (const element of hjyfManager.fishDataList) { goodArray.push({ goodId: element.goodId, goodNum: 1 }) } PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(GetAward).initView(goodArray, () => { hjyfManager.fishDataList = [] User.setFishDataAndGentQuat(hjyfManager.fishDataList); //展示结束页面 if (hjyfManager.getFishDataListLength() <= 0) { hjyfManager.reSetGenFishQua(); this.showFishList(); } //检查任务是否完成 hjyfManager.checkFinishTask(); this.isPlaying = false; this.gameStop = false }); }) } //返回主页 onBackClick(event) { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击") console.log('onBtnExitRoomClick+++++++++===') this.node.removeFromParent() this.node.destroy() EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.ExitBtnEvent, ''); } //寻找新海域 onFindNewSeaClick(event) { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); //let target =; if (!this.isPlaying) { this.gameStop = true let tab = { onClose: (finish) => { if (finish) { let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", `任务${mainId}-AD-寻宝船寻找新海域`); hjyfManager.reSetGenFishQua(); PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.HuangJinYuFu, null, () => { console.log('黄金捕鱼关掉') this.node.removeFromParent(); this.node.destroy(); }); this.hookRodNode.angle = 0 } else { this.gameStop = false Common5.showTips_custom("广告未观看完"); } }, onFailed: () => { } } AppPlatform.playVideo_custom(tab); } } // refreshZhaoMuTime() { // let localZhaoMuData = MeiNvZhaoMuManager.getMeiNvZhaoMuData() // let maxTime = localZhaoMuData[ZhaoMuGameType.YuanYangChuan].zhaoMuTime // let zhaoMuBeiShu = localZhaoMuData[ZhaoMuGameType.YuanYangChuan].zhaoMuBeiShu // // let maxUnlockIndex = localZhaoMuData[ZhaoMuGameType.YuanYangChuan].maxUnlockIndex // let hetong = User.getUserHeTong() // let xishuIndex= 1 // if(hetong.signMishuForever){ // xishuIndex = 2 // } // zhaoMuBeiShu = zhaoMuBeiShu * xishuIndex // if (maxTime > 0) { // //按钮上人物显示第一个 // // let config = MeiNvZhaoMuManager.getConfigById(HaiYangQingjie.XiaShuiDao,0) // // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('tipSpr').active = false // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('renSpine').active = true // // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('renSpine').getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0,'半身呼吸',true) // // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('renSpine').getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setSkin(config.skinIndex) // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('timeStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `${DateUtils.formatTime_custom(maxTime)}` // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('tipSpr').getChildByName('shouYiStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `收益x${zhaoMuBeiShu}` // } else { // // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('tipSpr').active = true // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('renSpine').active = false // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('timeStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `` // // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('shouYiStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `秘书招聘` // if(xishuIndex == 2){ // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('tipSpr').getChildByName('shouYiStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `收益 x 2` // }else{ // this.zhaoMuNode.getChildByName('tipSpr').getChildByName('shouYiStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `收益 x N` // } // } // } // zhaomuClickEvent() { // Common5.playEffect("CommonRes/sound/按键点击") // PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.MeiNvZhaoMu, null, (prefabNode) => { // prefabNode.getComponent(MeiNvZhaoMu).initView(ZhaoMuGameType.YuanYangChuan) // }) // } // showShouYiNode() { // let hetong = User.getUserHeTong() // let xishuIndex= 1 // if(hetong.signMishuForever){ // xishuIndex = 2 // } // let index = ZhaoMuGameType.YuanYangChuan // let localZhaoMuData = MeiNvZhaoMuManager.getMeiNvZhaoMuData() // let zhaoMuBeiShu = localZhaoMuData[index].zhaoMuBeiShu // let money = AutoShouYiConfig[index].money * zhaoMuBeiShu*xishuIndex // this.node.getChildByName('shouYiNode').getChildByName('moneyStr').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `收益:${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '1', 1)}/秒` // } }