import Common5 from "../../Platform/th/Common5"; //冰雪世界 const {ccclass, property} = cc._decorator; let CaiShangConfigs = [ { id:6, pName:'刘抢东西',GongSiName:'井洞科技', menkanMoney:100000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:5, pName:'李彦轰隆', GongSiName:'摆渡科技',menkanMoney:200000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:4, pName:'王兴发', GongSiName:'丑团科技',menkanMoney:300000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:3, pName:'玛云朵',GongSiName:'阿离麻麻', menkanMoney:400000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:2, pName:'马化疼你',GongSiName:'疼顺科技', menkanMoney:500000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:1, pName:'马斯二虎', GongSiName:'特能拉科技', menkanMoney:600000000,smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, { id:0, pName:'皮尔盖子',GongSiName:'喂软科技', menkanMoney:700000000, smallestDrop:-10, biggestDrop:-20, smallestGains:10, biggestGains:20}, ] let GuPiaoConfig = [ 5000,6800,8000,10000,12000,18000,24000,36000,40000,48000,51000,64000,75000,82000,94000,100000 ] let Proportion = 0.2 @ccclass export default class CaiShangManager{ static nextList: any[] = []; static fixList: any[] = []; static gupiaoNum = 0; public static getManagerConfigs(){ return CaiShangConfigs } public static initManager(){ this.fixList = [] this.nextList = [] } public static getCurCaiShangList(){ // let list_ = [] // let valueDate = ChengHaoManager.getChenghaoMangheConfig() // let allMoney = Math.floor(valueDate.BonusbaseNum*Proportion) // allMoney = Math.floor(allMoney) // for(let value of CaiShangConfigs){ // let copydemo = Common5.deepClone(value) // copydemo.menkanMoney = Math.floor(allMoney*copydemo.multiplicationIndex) // list_.push(copydemo) // } return Common5.deepClone(CaiShangConfigs) } public static getGupiaoNum(){ let index_ = Common5.getRandomNum(0, GuPiaoConfig.length) let nums = GuPiaoConfig[index_] // this.gupiaoNum = nums return nums } public static getOneGupiaoMoney(menkanMoney,gupiaoNum){ // return Math.floor(menkanMoney/this.gupiaoNum) return Math.floor(menkanMoney/gupiaoNum) } public static getMinMenkan(){ let list_ = CaiShangManager.getCurCaiShangList() let min = -1 for(let value of list_){ if(min == -1){ min = value.menkanMoney } if(value.menkanMoney <= min ){ min = value.menkanMoney } } return min } //生成涨跌幅比率 public static createDropOrGainsRate(config,startFixPrice,curPrice,leftRiseTimes){ let randomRate = 0 //随机涨或跌 let riseval = 50 if (curPrice > 2*startFixPrice){ //涨的概率降低 riseval = 30 } else if (curPrice < 0.5*startFixPrice){ if (curPrice <= 0.1*startFixPrice){ riseval = 100 } else{ //涨的概率提升 riseval = 70//+= (50 * ((config.startFixPrice*0.8-curPrice)/(config.startFixPrice*0.8))) * 1.2 } } //连涨次数 if(leftRiseTimes > 0){ riseval = 100 } let bGains = Common5.getRandomNum(0,100) if (bGains <= riseval){ //涨 randomRate = Common5.getRandomNum(config.smallestGains*10,config.biggestGains*10) } else{ //跌 randomRate = Common5.getRandomNum(config.smallestDrop*10,config.biggestDrop*10) } let trueRate = (randomRate/10).toFixed(1) //console.log("trueRate=",trueRate) return trueRate } }