import Common5 from "../../Platform/th/Common5"; import ZhongCanTingManager from "../GameMethodRes/ZhongCanTing/ZhongCanTingManager"; import GameBaseScript from "../GameRoomRes/GameBaseScript"; import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../JuQingChat/TaskManager"; import TaskResult from "../MyRoom/TaskResult"; import PrefabManage, { GameType } from "../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; let gameConfig = { duihuaArray: [ { str: "你帮我选选吧,选左还是右", qiPaoPos: 0, delayTime: 3.4, effectUrl: "GameStoryRes/sound/GameStory3/你帮我选选吧,选左还是右" }, { str: "你这什么眼光啊", qiPaoPos: 0, delayTime: 1.4, effectUrl: "GameStoryRes/sound/GameStory3/你这什么眼光啊" }, { str: "很漂亮,是吧", qiPaoPos: 0, delayTime: 1.8, effectUrl: "GameStoryRes/sound/GameStory3/很漂亮,是吧" }, { str: "这个我很喜欢", qiPaoPos: 0, delayTime: 1.1, effectUrl: "GameStoryRes/sound/GameStory3/这个我很喜欢" }, { str: "别看了,赶紧去经营湘菜馆!", qiPaoPos: 0, delayTime: 3.1, effectUrl: "GameStoryRes/sound/GameStory3/别看了,赶紧去经营湘菜馆!" } ], chooseArray: [ { btnArray: [ "左边", "右边" ] }, { btnArray: [ "左边", "右边" ] }, { btnArray: [ "不穿", "穿" ] } ] } const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class GameStory3 extends cc.Component { // @property(cc.Node) // chooseLayer: cc.Node = null; @property([cc.Node]) role: cc.Node[] = []; @property([cc.Node]) costumeList: cc.Node[] = []; // @property([cc.Node]) // operatedNodeList: cc.Node[] = []; @property(cc.Node) btnLeft: cc.Node = null; @property(cc.Node) btnRight: cc.Node = null; //当前层级下标 curLayerIndex = 0; //当前进度 curSchedule: number = 0; chooseIndex: number = -1; //文本配置 // titleArrayConfig: string[] = []; duihuaArrayConfig: any[] = []; chooseArrayConfig: any = null; start() { GameBaseScript.preLoadRemoteAudio(gameConfig); PrefabManage.showTextTips('为投资人换上合适的衣服'); this.initParameters(); this.initComponent(); } restart() { this.initParameters(); this.initComponent(); } //初始化参数 initParameters() { this.curLayerIndex = 0; this.curSchedule = 0; this.chooseIndex = -1; // this.titleArrayConfig = this.jsonData.titleArray//ZhouWangDeKuaiLeConfig.getInstance().getGameConfig('titleArray') as string[]; this.duihuaArrayConfig = gameConfig.duihuaArray//this.jsonData.duihuaArray//ZhouWangDeKuaiLeConfig.getInstance().getGameConfig('duihuaArray') as any[]; this.chooseArrayConfig = gameConfig.chooseArray//this.jsonData.chooseArray//ZhouWangDeKuaiLeConfig.getInstance().getGameConfig('chooseArray'); } //初始化组件 initComponent() { for (const iterator of this.role) { = false; } for (const iterator of this.costumeList) { = false; } this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '待机', true, 'default'); // this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[0], () => { // this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[1], () => { this.refreshSchedule(); // }); // }); } //刷新进度 refreshSchedule() { switch (this.curSchedule) { case 0: this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '待机', true); this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[0], () => { this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = true; this.showChooseLayer(0); }); break; case 1: this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '待机', true); this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = true; this.showChooseLayer(1); break; case 2: this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '待机', true); this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = true; this.showChooseLayer(2); break; default: break; } } playAnimation2( spineNode: cc.Node, animName: string, loop: boolean = false, skinName: string = null, completeCallback: (spineNode: cc.Node) => void = null ) { = true; if (skinName && skinName != '') { spineNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setSkin(skinName); } if (completeCallback) { spineNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setCompleteListener(() => { completeCallback(spineNode); }); } spineNode.getComponent(sp.Skeleton).setAnimation(0, animName, loop); } // //触摸回调 // normalTouchCallback(targetNode) { // console.log("+++++++++++++++++++++>" +; // switch ( { // case '脱衣服': // = false; // this.role[1].active = false; // this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '害羞', true, 'default'); // this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[10], () => { // this.endGameView(1); // }); // break; // default: // break; // } // } //选择回调 chooseResultCallback(touchIndex: number) { this.node.getChildByName("mask").active = false; = false = false switch (this.chooseIndex) { case 0: this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = false; if (touchIndex == 0) { this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '制服', true, ''); this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[1], () => { this.endGameView(0); }); } else { this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '牛仔裙', true, ''); this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[2], () => { this.curSchedule++; this.refreshSchedule(); }); } break; case 1: this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = false; if (touchIndex == 0) { this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '睡衣', true, ''); this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[1], () => { this.endGameView(0); }); } else { this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '礼服', true, ''); this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[3], () => { this.curSchedule++; this.refreshSchedule(); }); } break; case 2: this.costumeList[this.curSchedule].active = false; if (touchIndex == 0) { // this.role[0].active = false; // this.playAnimation2(this.role[0], '粉裙', true); // this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[7], () => { this.endGameView(0); // }); } else { this.role[0].active = false; this.role[1].active = true; this.showDuiHua(this.duihuaArrayConfig[4], () => { this.endGameView(1); }); } break; default: break; } } //显示选项 showChooseLayer(chooseIndex: number) { = true = true this.btnLeft.getChildByName('str').getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.chooseArrayConfig[chooseIndex].btnArray[0] this.btnRight.getChildByName('str').getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.chooseArrayConfig[chooseIndex].btnArray[1] // = true; this.chooseIndex = chooseIndex; // Common.GameSubChooseArray = this.chooseArrayConfig[chooseIndex]; // let script_: ChooseBtnLayer = this.chooseLayer.getComponent('ChooseBtnLayer'); // script_.setChooseBtnView(); } onBtnLeftClick() { this.chooseResultCallback(0) } onBtnRightClick() { this.chooseResultCallback(1) } //显示对话 showDuiHua(curLog, func?) { console.log("curLog==", curLog); // if (curLog.effectUrl) { // Common5.playEffectCustom("zhouwangdekuaile", curLog.effectUrl); // } let string_ = curLog.str; let qiPaoPos_ = curLog.qiPaoPos; let delayTime_ = curLog.delayTime || 3; let node = this.node.getChildByName('layerNode'); if (qiPaoPos_ != -1) { if (curLog.effectUrl && curLog.effectUrl.length > 0) { Common5.playRemoteAudioEffect(curLog.effectUrl); } let qiPao = node.getChildByName("qiPao").getChildByName("qiPao_" + qiPaoPos_); let effect = node.getChildByName("声效").getChildByName("声效" + qiPaoPos_); qiPao.stopAllActions(); = true; // qiPao.getChildByName("str").getComponent(cc.Label).string = string_ this.showDialogStr(string_, qiPao.getChildByName("str")) cc.tween(qiPao) .set({ active: true, scale: 0 }) .to(0.2, { scale: 1 }) .delay(delayTime_) .call(() => { = false; = false; }) .start(); } this.scheduleOnce(() => { if (func) { func(); } }, delayTime_); } showDialogStr(str, dialogStr, finishFunc?) { let curStr = "" let curIndex = 0 let callFunc = () => { curStr += str[curIndex++] dialogStr.getComponent(cc.Label).string = curStr if (curIndex >= str.length) { finishFunc && finishFunc() } } this.schedule(callFunc, 0.07, str.length - 1) } //关闭对话 closeDuiHua(qiPaoPos_) { if (qiPaoPos_ != -1) { let node = this.node.getChildByName("layerNode"); let qiPao = node.getChildByName("qiPao").getChildByName("qiPao_" + qiPaoPos_); qiPao.stopAllActions(); = false; } else { let logPrefab = this.node.getChildByName('logPrefab'); let duihua = logPrefab.getChildByName('duihua'); duihua.stopAllActions(); = false; } } endGameView(touchIndex) { let finishTask306 = () => { TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_306) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_307) ZhongCanTingManager.checkTask() this.node.removeFromParent() this.node.destroy() // Common5.releaseBundleAssets('GameStory3') } // this.node.getChildByName("mask").active = true; // Game.ins.stopTime(); if (touchIndex == 0) { this.scheduleOnce(() => { let continueBtnFunc = () => { console.log('换衣重玩') this.restart() } let adBtnFunc = () => { console.log('换衣完成任务') // Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", '换衣服关卡-AD-老婆换最美衣服'); finishTask306() } PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TaskResult, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(TaskResult).initView4(2, true, continueBtnFunc, adBtnFunc) }) }, 0.5); } else { this.scheduleOnce(() => { let successFunc = () => { finishTask306() } PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.TaskResult, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(TaskResult).initView1(3, true, successFunc) }) }, 0.5); } } openTouchEvent(node) { node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.touchStartNode, this) node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.touchMoveNode, this) node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.touchEndNode, this) node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.touchEndNode, this) } closeTouchEvent(node: cc.Node) {, this.touchStartNode, this), this.touchMoveNode, this), this.touchEndNode, this), this.touchEndNode, this) } touchStartNode(event) { let target =; console.log('touchStartNode'); } touchMoveNode(event) { } touchEndNode(event) { let target = let logPrefab = this.node.getChildByName('logPrefab') logPrefab.getChildByName('duihua').active = false; } onClick(event) { let target = as cc.Node; console.log("+++++++++++++++++++++>" +; // Common5.playEffect("点击音效"); switch ( { case "BtnAddTimes": default: break; } } //update(dt) { } }