import { ryw_Event } from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum"; import EventMgr from "../../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr"; import GameReport from "../../../FrameWork/Report/ZyZyReport"; import User from "../../../FrameWork/User/User"; import AppPlatform from "../../../FrameWork/Util/AppPlatform"; import Common5 from "../../../Platform/th/Common5"; import JuQingManager from "../../JuQingChat/JuQingManager"; import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../../JuQingChat/TaskManager"; import BagManager from "../../Manager/BagManager"; import UserManager from "../../Manager/UserManager"; import NewGuideScript from "../../NewGuide/NewGuideScript"; import PrefabManage, { GameType } from "../../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; import GameBase from "../../SCommon/GameBase"; import GetAward from "../../SCommon/GetAward"; const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class ShiCaiHuiShou extends GameBase { @property(cc.Node) foodPrefab: cc.Node = null; // 食材预制体 @property(cc.Node) foodNodeBox: cc.Node = null; // 食材盒子 @property(cc.Node) FoodShelves: cc.Node = null; // 食材货架 @property(cc.Node) moveNode: cc.Node = null; // 食材预制体 @property(cc.Node) tipBox: cc.Node = null; // 食材预制体 GenerateFoodMaxNumber: number = 100; // 生成食材的最大数量 GenerateFoodAddNumber: number = 20; // 生成食材的增量 GenerateFoodProportion: number[] = [0.5, 0.1, 0.4]; // 食材生成比例 GenerateFoodFrameNumber: number = 3; // 每帧生成食材的数量 FoodPriceListConfig: number[] = [10, 100, 50]; // 食材价格列表 maskGuideNode: cc.Node = null; // 遮罩层 private foodPool: cc.NodePool = null; // 食材池 onLoad() { super.onLoad() } onDestroy(): void { if (cc.isValid(this.maskGuideNode)) { this.maskGuideNode.removeFromParent() this.maskGuideNode.destroy() } super.onDestroy(); EventMgr.emitEvent_custom(ryw_Event.RefreshJuQingDuiHua); } protected start(): void { this.foodPool = new cc.NodePool(); this.refreshFoods(); EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.NormalTouchEndCheck, (data_) => { this.foodClickCallback(data_.targetNode); }, this); } // 刷新食材 refreshFoods(isAD: boolean = false) { for (const element of this.foodNodeBox.children) { element.stopAllActions(); this.foodPool.put(element); } let foodDataList = this.generateFoodData(this.GenerateFoodMaxNumber).concat(this.addTaskGoods(isAD)); this.node.getChildByName('inputBlack').active = true; this.generateFood(0, foodDataList); } // 生成食材数据 generateFoodData(generateFoodMaxNumber: number) { const iconNameConfig = [ ["菜-包菜", "菜-大白菜", "菜-大葱", "菜-洋葱", "菜-白萝卜", "菜-胡萝卜", "菜-芹菜", "菜-茄子", "菜-西兰花", "菜-黄瓜"], ["海-扇贝", "海-海参", "海-生蚝", "海-螃蟹", "海-鱿鱼"], ["肉-五花肉", "肉-大火腿", "肉-大闸蟹", "肉-排骨", "肉-牛排", "肉-猪蹄", "肉-鸡翅", "肉-鸡腿", "肉-鸭掌", "肉-鸭腿"] ]; let foodDataList: any[] = []; for (let type = 0; type < this.GenerateFoodProportion.length; type++) { const MaxNumber = this.GenerateFoodProportion[type] * generateFoodMaxNumber; for (let i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++) { let foodinfo: any = {}; foodinfo.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500 - 250); foodinfo.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 300 - 130); foodinfo.type = type; let iconNameList = iconNameConfig[type]; foodinfo.icon = iconNameList[Math.floor(Math.random() * iconNameList.length)]; foodDataList.push(foodinfo); } } foodDataList.sort(function () { return 0.5 - Math.random() }); return foodDataList; } // 添加任务道具 addTaskGoods(isAD: boolean = false) { let taskGoodsList: any[] = []; const taskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(); if (taskInfo.Id && taskInfo.Id != MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_None) { const configData = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(taskInfo.Id); if (configData && configData.GMGameType == "ShiCaiHuiShou" && configData.taskCaiGouDan) { let list_ = configData.taskCaiGouDan.filter((value, index, self) => { if (configData.GMGoodIdArray) { for (const id of configData.GMGoodIdArray) { if (id == value) return false; } } if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(value) > 0) { return false; } return true; }) if (isAD && configData.GMGoodIdArray) { for (let id of configData.GMGoodIdArray) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(id) == 0) { list_.push(id); break; } } } for (let i = 0; i < list_.length; i++) { let foodinfo: any = {}; foodinfo.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500 - 250); foodinfo.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 300 - 130); foodinfo.type = 999; foodinfo.icon = list_[i]; taskGoodsList.push(foodinfo); } } } return taskGoodsList; }; // 生成食材 generateFood(index: number, foodDataList: any[]) { let generateNum = this.GenerateFoodFrameNumber; if (index + generateNum >= foodDataList.length) { generateNum = foodDataList.length - index; } for (let i = 0; i < generateNum; i++) { let foodNode = this.foodPool.get(); if (foodNode == null) { foodNode = cc.instantiate(this.foodPrefab); } = true; this.foodNodeBox.addChild(foodNode); foodNode.setPosition(foodDataList[index].x, foodDataList[index].y); foodNode['type'] = foodDataList[index].type; if (foodDataList[index].type == 999) { foodNode['GoodsId'] = foodDataList[index].icon; } Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("shicaihuishou", "texture/食材/" + foodDataList[index].icon, foodNode.getComponent(cc.Sprite)); index++; } if (index < foodDataList.length) { this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.generateFood(index, foodDataList); }, 0); } else { this.node.getChildByName('inputBlack').active = false; let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(); let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id; if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_204) { for (let index = 1; index <= 3; index++) { const element = this.foodNodeBox.children[this.foodNodeBox.childrenCount - index]; let guide = cc.instantiate(this.node.getChildByName('引导效果')); element.addChild(guide); = true; guide.setPosition(0, 0); } } } } // 添加食材 addFood(index: number, foodDataList: any[]) { let generateNum = this.GenerateFoodFrameNumber; if (index + generateNum >= foodDataList.length) { generateNum = foodDataList.length - index; } for (let i = 0; i < generateNum; i++) { let foodNode = this.foodPool.get(); if (foodNode == null) { foodNode = cc.instantiate(this.foodPrefab); } = true; this.foodNodeBox.insertChild(foodNode, 0); foodNode.setPosition(foodDataList[index].x, foodDataList[index].y); foodNode['type'] = foodDataList[index].type; Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("shicaihuishou", "texture/食材/" + foodDataList[index].icon, foodNode.getComponent(cc.Sprite)); index++; } if (index < foodDataList.length) { this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.addFood(index, foodDataList); }, 0); } } // 食材点击回调 foodClickCallback(targetNode: cc.Node) { if (targetNode['type'] == 999) { = false; let goodArray = [{ goodId: targetNode['GoodsId'], goodNum: 1 }]; PrefabManage.loadPrefabByType(GameType.GetAward, null, (prefabNode) => { prefabNode.getComponent(GetAward).initView(goodArray, () => { let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_705) { let taskCaiGouDan = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId).taskCaiGouDan; for (const goodId of taskCaiGouDan) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_705); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_706); } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1101) { let taskCaiGouDan = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId).taskCaiGouDan; for (const goodId of taskCaiGouDan) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1101); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1102); } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1301) { let taskCaiGouDan = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId).taskCaiGouDan; for (const goodId of taskCaiGouDan) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1301); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1302); } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1703) { let taskCaiGouDan = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId).taskCaiGouDan; for (const goodId of taskCaiGouDan) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1703); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_1704); } else if (mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2105) { let taskCaiGouDan = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId).taskCaiGouDan; for (const goodId of taskCaiGouDan) { if (BagManager.getBagGoodNums(goodId) == 0) { return; } } TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2105); JuQingManager.unLockNewJuQing('WX_2103'); TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_2106); } }); }); } else { let type = targetNode['type']; let FoodShelvesNode = this.FoodShelves.children[type]; let startPos = this.moveNode.convertToNodeSpaceAR(targetNode.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v3(0, 0, 0))); let endPos = this.moveNode.convertToNodeSpaceAR(FoodShelvesNode.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v3(0, 0, 0))); cc.tween(targetNode) .set({ parent: this.moveNode, position: startPos }) .to(0.5, { position: endPos }) .call(() => { UserManager.addMoney(this.FoodPriceListConfig[type], FoodShelvesNode); this.checkIsFinish204(UserManager.getCurMoney()) this.scheduleOnce(() => { targetNode.stopAllActions(); this.foodPool.put(targetNode); }); // const incomePopUp = cc.instantiate(this.moveNode.getChildByName('incomePopUp')); // incomePopUp.getComponent(cc.Label).string = "+" + this.FoodPriceListConfig[type] + "元"; // cc.tween(incomePopUp) // .set({ active: true, parent: this.moveNode, position: endPos, opacity: 255 }) // .to(0.3, { position: cc.v3(endPos.x, endPos.y + 50, 0), scale: 1.5 }) // .to(0.2, { position: cc.v3(endPos.x, endPos.y + 100, 0), scale: 1 }) // .to(1, { position: cc.v3(endPos.x, endPos.y + 400, 0), opacity: 0 }) // .removeSelf() // .start(); }) .start(); } if (this.foodNodeBox.childrenCount <= this.GenerateFoodMaxNumber - this.GenerateFoodAddNumber) { let foodDataList = this.generateFoodData(this.GenerateFoodAddNumber); this.addFood(0, foodDataList); } //console.log(`this.foodPool:${this.foodPool.size()}`); } // 刷新食材 onRefreshFoodsAd() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); this.node.getChildByName('inputBlack').active = true; let tab = { onClose: (finish) => { if (finish) { Common5.ReportDY("inLevel", '食材回收-AD-刷新食材'); this.reportKey(() => { GameReport.ADReport('食材回收刷新食材', 1); }) this.refreshFoods(true); } else { this.reportKey(() => { GameReport.ADReport('食材回收刷新食材', 0); }) Common5.showTips_custom("广告未观看完"); } }, onFailed: () => { } } AppPlatform.playVideo_custom(tab); } checkIsFinish204(money){ let mainTaskInfo:any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo() let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id if(mainId == MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_204){ if(money >= 500){ = true } } } qianWangClick(){ = false TaskManager.finishCurMainTask(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_204) TaskManager.setCurUnLockMainTaskInfo(MainTaskIdEnum.MainTask_205) this.node.removeFromParent() this.node.destroy() } }