import GameMgr from "../../FrameWork/Mgr/GameMgr"; import User from "../../FrameWork/User/User"; import Common5 from "../../Platform/th/Common5"; import PrefabManage from "../PrefabManager/PrefabManage"; const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; @ccclass export default class SingleItem extends cc.Component { @property(cc.Label) gameTitle: cc.Label = null; @property(cc.Sprite) gameIcon: cc.Sprite = null; @property(cc.Node) levelPoint: cc.Node[] = []; @property(cc.Node) levelMasks: cc.Node[] = []; @property(cc.Node) lightEffect: cc.Node = null; curConfig = null; itemState = 0; //0 未开发 1 未解锁 2 已通关 3 已解锁 initView(config) { this.curConfig = config; this.gameTitle.string = config.title; Common5.getSpriteFrameFromBundle("FirstSelectScene", "picture/zoomLevel/" + config.titleIconUrl, this.gameIcon); for (const point of this.levelPoint) { point.getChildByName("lab").getComponent(cc.Label).string = config.index + 1; } this.updateUI(); } updateUI() { for (const mask of this.levelPoint) { = false; } for (const mask of this.levelMasks) { = false; } = false; if (!this.curConfig.isCanPlay) { this.levelPoint[2].active = true; this.levelMasks[3].active = true; this.itemState = 0; return; } let curGameLevelIndex = User.getCurGameLevelIndex(); if (this.curConfig.index > curGameLevelIndex) { this.levelPoint[2].active = true; this.levelMasks[2].active = true; this.itemState = 1; } else if (this.curConfig.index < curGameLevelIndex) { this.levelPoint[0].active = true; this.levelMasks[0].active = true; this.itemState = 2; } else { this.levelPoint[1].active = true; this.levelMasks[1].active = true; this.itemState = 3; = true; cc.tween(this.lightEffect) .to(1, { opacity: 100 }) .to(1, { opacity: 255 }) .union() .repeatForever() .start(); } } onItemClick() { // Common5.playEffect("sound/按键点击"); if (this.itemState == 0) { PrefabManage.showTextTips('正在努力开发中!'); return; } else if (this.itemState == 1) { PrefabManage.showTextTips('未来还没来,一切皆可能'); return; } else if (this.itemState == 2) { PrefabManage.showTextTips('过去已过去,计较也无用'); return; } Common5.selectGameInfo = this.curConfig; GameMgr.getInstance_custom().onLoadToGameScene_custom(); } }