You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 week ago
* @author kL <klk0@qq.com>
* @date 2019/6/6
* @doc Demo入口.
* @end
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
import List from './List';
import ListItem from './ListItem';
export default class Main extends cc.Component {
listV: List = null;
listH: List = null;
listG: List = null;
listG2: List = null;
input: cc.EditBox = null;
info: cc.Label = null;
data: number[] = [];
onLoad() {
this.data = [];
for (let n: number = 0; n < 999; n++) {
this.listV.numItems = this.data.length;
this.listH.numItems = this.data.length;
this.listG.numItems = this.data.length;
this.listG2.numItems = this.data.length;
onListVRender(item: cc.Node, idx: number) {
item.getComponent(ListItem).title.getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.data[idx] + '';
this.info.string = 'ListV当前渲染总数 = ' + this.listV.displayItemNum;
onListHRender(item: cc.Node, idx: number) {
item.getComponent(ListItem).title.getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.data[idx] + '';
this.info.string = 'ListH当前渲染总数 = ' + this.listH.displayItemNum;
onListGridRender(item: cc.Node, idx: number) {
item.getComponent(ListItem).title.getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.data[idx] + '';
this.info.string = 'ListG当前渲染总数 = ' + this.listG.displayItemNum;
onListGrid2Render(item: cc.Node, idx: number) {
item.getComponent(ListItem).title.getComponent(cc.Label).string = this.data[idx] + '';
this.info.string = 'ListG2当前渲染总数 = ' + this.listG2.displayItemNum;
onListSelected(item: any, selectedId: number, lastSelectedId: number, val: number) {
if (!item)
let list: List = item.getComponent(ListItem).list;
let str: string = '当前操作List为:' + list.node.name + ',当前选择的是:' + selectedId + ',上一次选择的是:' + lastSelectedId;
if (list.selectedMode == 2) { //如果是多选模式
str += ',当前值为:' + val;
btnEvent(ev: cc.Event) {
let name: string = ev.target.name;
let t: any = this;
let callFunc: Function = function (idx) {
if (idx != null) {
t.data.splice(idx, 1);
cc.log('------删除完毕!', idx);
t.listV.numItems = t.data.length;
t.listH.numItems = t.data.length;
t.listG.numItems = t.data.length;
t.listG2.numItems = t.data.length;
switch (name) {
case 'btn1':
t.listV.aniDelItem(1, callFunc, 3);
case 'btn2':
t.listH.aniDelItem(t.listH.selectedId, callFunc, 0);
case 'btn3':
t.listG.aniDelItem(1, callFunc, null);
case 'btn4':
t.listV.scrollTo(parseInt(t.input.string), .5, null, false);
t.listH.scrollTo(parseInt(t.input.string), .5, null, false);
t.listG.scrollTo(parseInt(t.input.string), .5, null, false);
t.listG2.scrollTo(parseInt(t.input.string), .5, null, false);