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345 lines
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345 lines
7.9 KiB
1 week ago
* @Descripttion:
* @version: 1.0.0
* @Author: YeeChan
* @Date: 2020-07-09 18:54:41
* 事件 相关
export enum ryw_Event {
None_custom = 0,
//导出广告 取消
ryw_ADKRQ_ClickQuit_custom = 400,
ryw_Export3_Dismiss_custom = 401, //关闭导出页
ryw_App_CloseFirstLoadingView_custom = 500,
ryw_AD_OnShareAdFail_custom = 501,
ryw_Game_OnViewOpen_custom = 600,//{view : ViewDef}
ryw_Game_OnViewClose_custom = 601,//{view : ViewDef}
ryw_Game_OnUserMoneyChange_custom = 701,//{curr:number,last:number}
ryw_Game_OnUserCrystalChange_custom = 702,//{curr:number,last:number}
ryw_Game_OnUserUnlockedStore_custom = 703,//{unlocked:number}
ryw_Game_OnLevelStart_custom = 1000,
ryw_Game_OnLevelComplate_custom = 1001,
ryw_AD_WudianBanner_LoadComplete_custom = 2217,
ryw_AD_WudianBanner_Show_custom = 2218,
ryw_AD_WudianBanner_Hide_custom = 2219,
ryw_AD_WudianBanner_PreLoad_custom = 2220,
ryw_App_OnUpdateIpBlockState_custom = 2221,//{ipBlockFlag : number}
ryw_Umeng_custom = 2230,
ryw_PlatformLoginState_custom = 2997,
ryw_NetLoginState_custom = 2998,
ryw_NetUserDataState_custom = 2999,
ryw_Video_Finish_custom = 3000,
ryw_Video_UnFinish_custom = 3001,
ryw_Video_Error_custom = 3002,
ryw_SET_LIST_PARAM = 3003,
updatePhysicalPower = 3004,
tooltipClose = 3005,
timeOut = 3006,
unlockLevel = 3007,
checkInLevel = 3008,
ryw_Video_Start = 3009,
shounaSuccessNotice = 3009,
stopTimeTick = 3010,
startTimeTick = 3011,
recordFinish = 3012,
shounaSuccess2Notice = 4000,
setHeadImg = 4001,
subBack = 4002,
addDay = 4003,
updateMoney = 4004,
updateBankProvideMoney = 4005,
EmergencyEnent = 4006,
updateBankProvideMoneyRedPoint = 4007,
updateStockView = 4008,
Event_JuQingHasNewMsg = 4009,
Event_ShangshiMsg = 4010,
Event_hideMounting = 4011,
Event_fuhaokaRefresh = 4012,
updateTime = 4013,
updateFangchan = 4014,
updateShengWang = 4020,
updateFirstGuideView = 4021,
updateTaskDesc = 4022,
updateJuQingPerson = 4023,
updateJuQingQiPao = 4024,
updateGameBtnStatus = 4025,
updateTaskRedPoint = 4026,
updateTaskProgress = 4027,
updateKDKuangChanView = 4028,
// 关卡通关
updateJiaoFeiLevels = 4029,
updateChengHao = 4030,
UpDateSubTaskState = 4031, //更新任务
ExitCurLayerEvent = 4041, //退出当前界面
updateBagDate = 4032, //
updateCarLevel = 4033,
updateCarShowZhaoPin = 4034,
updateCarShowFire = 4035,
updateCarShowJieMiansha = 4036,
updateZhanTingCar = 4037,
updateHeChangCar = 4038,
updateBuyCar = 4039,
checkTaskFinish = 4040,
// 更新刮刮乐库存
updateGuaGuaLeStock = 4041,
updatePeopleIQ = 4042,
updateDayOrNight = 4043,
updateIndustry = 4044,
updateIndustryEarnMoney = 4045,
updateIndustryEarnMoneyTime = 4046,
updateIndustryLevelUp = 4047,
updateGoldNum = 4048,
updateName = 4049,
updateFangChanView = 4050,//房产更新
Event_HasNewMsg = 4051,
Event_HasTask = 4052,
Event_HasQianDao = 4053,
updatePaoTui = 4054,
Event_NewGuideFinish = 4055,
xuyuanEvent = 4056,
ExitBtnEvent = 4057,
ViewpPoperty = 4058,
workPoperty = 4059,
workDownPoperty = 4060,
weixiuEvent = 4061,
bagItemEvent = 4062,
refreshPersonGrowthProperty = 4063,
YuanZhuWar = 4064,
YuanZhuWarAttack = 4065,
JianzhuGanBao = 4066,
changePersonGrowthProperty2 = 4067,
CaidanPoperty = 4068,
clearAllYangYuData = 4069,
continueAndSetYangYuData = 4070,
refreshJianZaoXinXi = 4071,
chiTangJianZao = 4072,
refreshFuHaoJRMK = 4073,
updateHotelZhuangXiu = 4074,
soonFinishZhuangXiu = 4075,
updateIndustryEarnMoneyTimeAuto = 4076,
updateIndustryEarnMoneyTimePart = 4077,
refreshFengWeiGirlSpine = 4078,
CheckIsEnterFromCeBianLan = 4079,
CheckCeBianLan = 4080,
DirectTouchMoveCheck = 4081,
unLockAllLevelUpdate = 4082,
unLockAllLevelTmp = 4083,
unlockAllTipLevelUpdate = 4084,
unlockAllTipLevelFinish = 4085,
unLockLevel = 4086,
loadGame = 4087,
game_continue = 4088,
openGuizeLayerEvent = 4089,
finish_game = 4090,
addTimeSucc = 4091,
updateLevel = 4092,
WordGameRevive = 4093,
ClickLuoSi = 4094,
ShenZhiProClick = 4095,
ChongPaiProClick = 4096,
LuosiScuucess = 4097,
LuosiFail = 4098,
DaLuosiNextLevel = 4099,
DaLuosiFailExit = 4100,
DaLuosiFailContinue = 4101,
DLSProgress = 4102,
touchChaDianCheck = 4103,
NormalTouchEndCheck = 4104,
NormalTouchMoveCheck = 4105,
chooseResult = 4106,
roleNodeTouchCheck = 4107,
openBGMove = 4108,
GuiZeGameBtnClick = 4109,
itemIconTouchTrue = 4110,
itemIconTouchFalse = 4111,
touchMoveCheck = 4112,
NormalTouchMoveDirCheck = 4113,
DuiChooseResult = 4114,
XianSuoHeChengEvent = 4115,
XianSuoPopUpEnd = 4116,
RefreshJuQingDuiHua = 4117,
unLockAllLevelTmp_fkwz = 4118,
RefreshMyRoom = 4119,
RefreshUnLockGame = 4120,
RefreshCurJinHuoDesc = 4121,
updateMainTask = 4122,
goodTouchMoveCheck = 4123,
updateDaoYe = 4124,
closeJiShiBen = 4125,
refreshZhaoMuTimes = 4126,
updateYuanBao = 4127,
updateJinBiYuanBaoStatus = 4128,
xpzReborn = 4129,
kaiGongsiLevelUp = 4130,
XiaoChuMJ = 4131,
MoveMJ = 4132,
RefreshBuyYouTing = 4133,
CheckTuFaShiJian = 4134,
CloseChatList = 4135,
SetCommonBtnShow = 4136,
RefreshChaoShiCaiDan = 4137,
nextQie = 4138,
updateProperty = 4139, //更新财产
refreshChoushui = 4140,
refreshNeedLayer = 4141,
guideShouHuoJiExit = 4142,
refreshButton = 4143,
Check1209Mima = 9004,
Check1303Mima = 9005,
Check1501Mima = 9006,
autoAddYuanBao = 4128,
yiJianShouYiEvent = 4129,
//Tips:在这条添加定义你自己需要的事件,从10000号开始。记得分段分类管理不同类型事件。如果事件有传递参数 "必须" 在事件后面用注释写明事件参数结构。
ryw_updateContentShow = 10000,
game_hide_bottom = 10002,
game_show_bottom = 10003,
Game_Fail = 10004,
Game_Win = 10005,
game_restart = 10006,
start_hideWxtlBtn = 10007,
finish_newer = 10009,
finish_scale = 10009,
finish_left = 10010,
EnterNextGame = 10011,
EnterCurGame = 10012,
ZhuiJiaTouZi = 10013,
refreshMiaoZhuan = 10014,
HandTip = 10015,