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109 lines
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1 week ago
import { ryw_Event } from "../../FrameWork/Event/EventEnum";
import EventMgr from "../../FrameWork/Event/EventMgr";
import User from "../../FrameWork/User/User";
import TaskManager, { MainTaskIdEnum } from "../JuQingChat/TaskManager";
import BagManager from "../Manager/BagManager";
import InterfaceManager from "../Manager/InterfaceManager";
import { GameType } from "../PrefabManager/PrefabManage";
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class ShangDianRenWuDan extends cc.Component {
// @property(cc.Node)
// jianTouXia: cc.Node = null;
descView: cc.Node = null;
itemNode: cc.Node = null;
jianTouShang: cc.Node = null;
curGameName: string = '';
// @property(cc.Node)
// jianTouShang: cc.Node = null;
// @property(cc.String)
// curGameName: string = '';
// onLoad () {}
start() {
EventMgr.onEvent_custom(ryw_Event.RefreshCurJinHuoDesc, () => {
}, this)
refreshView() {
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
let taskConfig = TaskManager.getTaskConfigById(mainId)
if (taskConfig && taskConfig.taskCaiGouDan && (taskConfig.GMGameType == this.curGameName)) {
this.node.active = true
for (let i = 0; i < taskConfig.taskCaiGouDan.length; i++) {
let item = cc.instantiate(this.itemNode)
item.parent = this.descView
item.active = true
this.refeshNode(item, taskConfig.taskCaiGouDan[i], taskConfig.taskCaiGouDanNum ? taskConfig.taskCaiGouDanNum[i] : 1)
let jianTouShang = cc.instantiate(this.jianTouShang)
jianTouShang.active = true
jianTouShang.parent = this.descView
} else {
this.node.active = false
// onOpenDescView(){
// this.jianTouXia.active = false
// this.descView.active = true
// }
// onCloseDescView(){
// this.jianTouXia.active = true
// this.descView.active = false
// }
refeshNode(node_, goodId, num) {
let goodConfig = BagManager.getGoodsProperty(goodId)
let userGoodData = BagManager.getBagGoodConfig(goodId)
let name = goodConfig.goodName
let buyNum = num
let haveNum = 0
if (userGoodData) {
haveNum = userGoodData.goodNum
let nameLab = node_.getChildByName('goodName').getComponent(cc.Label)
let numLab = node_.getChildByName('goodNum').getComponent(cc.RichText)
nameLab.string = name
let mainTaskInfo: any = TaskManager.getCurUnLockMainTaskInfo()
let mainId = mainTaskInfo.Id
if (haveNum >= buyNum) {
numLab.string = '<color=#67C119>' + buyNum + '</c><color=#67C119>/' + buyNum + '</color>'
} else {
numLab.string = '<color=#D65C44>' + haveNum + '</c><color=#67C119>/' + buyNum + '</color>'