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154 lines
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154 lines
5.1 KiB
1 week ago
import Common5 from "../../Platform/th/Common5";
const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator;
export default class MoneyFlyEffect extends cc.Component {
// @property(cc.Node)
// startPoint: cc.Node = null;
endPoint: cc.Node = null;
endPoint2: cc.Node = null;
coinPrefab: cc.Prefab = null;
incomePopUp: cc.Prefab = null;
coinPool: cc.NodePool = null;
popUpPool: cc.NodePool = null;
onLoad() {
this.coinPool = new cc.NodePool();
this.popUpPool = new cc.NodePool();
initCoinPool(count: number = 20) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let coin = cc.instantiate(this.coinPrefab);
getNodeToTargetPos(curNode, targetNode) {
let targetLocalPos = targetNode.getPosition()
let targetWorldPos = targetNode.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(targetLocalPos)
let localPos = curNode.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(targetWorldPos)
return localPos
playAnim(startNode, money?) {
let randomCount = Math.random() * 15 + 20;
//console.log(randomCount, 'randomCount++++++++++==')
let stPos = this.getNodeToTargetPos(this.node, startNode)
let edPos = this.getNodeToTargetPos(this.node, this.endPoint);
let canvas = cc.find('Canvas')
let prefabLayer = canvas.getChildByName("prefabLayer")
for (let i = prefabLayer.childrenCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const yuanBao = prefabLayer.children[i].getChildByName("yuanBao");
if (yuanBao) {
let chaopiao = yuanBao.getChildByName("金币").getChildByName("钞票");
edPos = this.getNodeToTargetPos(this.node, chaopiao);
let randomR = Math.random() * 60 + 60;
this.playCoinFlyAnim(randomCount, stPos, edPos, randomR);
if (money) {
this.showIncomePopUp(money, stPos);
showIncomePopUp(money, stPos) {
let incomePopUp = this.popUpPool.get();
if (!incomePopUp) {
incomePopUp = cc.instantiate(this.incomePopUp);
incomePopUp.getComponent(cc.Label).string = `+${Common5.getNumberChangeHanzi(money, '2')}元`;
.set({ active: true, parent: this.node, position: stPos, opacity: 255 })
.to(0.3, { scale: 1.5 })
.to(0.2, { scale: 1 })
.to(1, { position: cc.v3(stPos.x, stPos.y + 400, 0), opacity: 0 })
.call(() => {
playCoinFlyAnim(count: number, stPos: cc.Vec2, edPos: cc.Vec2, r: number = 130) {
// 确保当前节点池有足够的金币
const poolSize = this.coinPool.size();
const reCreateCoinCount = poolSize > count ? 0 : count - poolSize;
// 生成圆,并且对圆上的点进行排序
let points = this.getCirclePoints(r, stPos, count);
let coinNodeList = => {
let coin = this.coinPool.get();
return {
node: coin,
stPos: stPos,
mdPos: pos,
edPos: edPos,
dis: (pos as any).sub(edPos).mag()
coinNodeList = coinNodeList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.dis - b.dis > 0) return 1;
if (a.dis - b.dis < 0) return -1;
return 0;
// 执行金币落袋的动画
coinNodeList.forEach((item, idx) => {
cc.moveTo(0.3, item.mdPos),
cc.delayTime(idx * 0.01),
cc.moveTo(0.5, item.edPos),
cc.callFunc(() => {
* 以某点为圆心,生成圆周上等分点的坐标
* @param {number} r 半径
* @param {cc.Vec2} pos 圆心坐标
* @param {number} count 等分点数量
* @param {number} [randomScope=80] 等分点的随机波动范围
* @returns {cc.Vec2[]} 返回等分点坐标
getCirclePoints(r: number, pos: cc.Vec2, count: number, randomScope: number = 60): cc.Vec2[] {
let points = [];
let radians = (Math.PI / 180) * Math.round(360 / count);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let x = pos.x + r * Math.sin(radians * i);
let y = pos.y + r * Math.cos(radians * i);
points.unshift(cc.v3(x + Math.random() * randomScope, y + Math.random() * randomScope, 0));
return points;